I have a perl script that I'd like to use to create windows 9x login
scripts at login time but I cannot get the process to work right. I have
RedHat 7.3 (actually the k12ltsp v2.1.0 which is a modified RH7.3) set
up as a domain controller which is working well. Manually created login
scripts run fine on the workstations at login. I'm using a netlogon
script I found at http://www.0x0a.com/netlogon.php that I've modified to
handle multiple groups based upon group membership in /etc/group as I
need. If I run the script from a command line supplying just a username
it works ok.

./netlogon.pl mrambo   #This results in a good script.

When I put in a root preexec like...

   comment = Network Logon Service
   path = /home/netlogon
   guest ok = yes
   read only = yes
   browseable = no
   printable = no
   write list = @adm
   share modes = no
   root prexec = /home/netlogon/netlogon.pl %U
   root postexec = rm -f /home/netlogon/%U.bat

it fails to run. My box was running samba 2.2.3a as distributed w/RH7.3.
When I inserting the root preexec statement in smb.conf the domain
logons would no longer function. I received a no domain controller error
message. I could still manually map drives after clicking ok at the
error message though. I could not see anything in the logs related to
preexec or domain logon problems at log level 2. I couldn't get log
level 3 to work for some reason on the RH supplied samba so I upgraded
to the 2.2.6 samba binaries on samba.org. I still get the same no domain
controller error on the workstation but now with the added 'feature'
that it also seems to hang an nmbd process on the server.

Help!!! I worked on this almost all day Saturday including searching the
samba archives on marc.theaimsgroup.com and I'm out of ideas.


Mike Rambo
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