On Mon, 28 Oct 2002, SALOME Alexandre wrote:

> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a  user in Windows (user_windows = eng.calculo).
> > I would like that this user_windows acess the unix (solairs2.6) as a valid
> > user unix (user_unix=cs02929)
> > (this problem is because the admintool only create user with  8
> > caractheres.
> > How I can resolve this problem ?

In your smb.conf [globals] add:
        username map = /etc/smbusers

In your /etc/smbusers put:
        cs02929 = eng.calculo

- John T.

> >
> >
> > Atenciosamente
> > Alexandre Salomé
> > Comau System  _ Sistemas Engenharia
> > tel: 0055 031 9944 8646
> > fax:0055 031 3529 6533
> >

John H Terpstra

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