This is the perlscript we use to print/mail PDF's. It uses ghostscript and perl MIME-tools to create and mail the PDF back to the user who printed the document. The printerdriver used is "QMS ColorScript 1000 Level 2".
The config looks like this:
comment = PDF mailer
path = /var/spool/samba
print command = /usr/local/bin/ %u %s
browseable = yes
writeable = no
printable = yes
René Nieuwenhuizen
CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis
PS. I've also attached a script to create and mail clipped EPS-files with preview. It must be used with nearly the same driver accept it must be Level 1 and the driver should output Encapsulated Postscript (Advanced Box somewhere...)
S. Ancelot heeft geschreven:
Is it possible to set up a printer in samba
that will use ps2pdf converter to create pdf documents when printing on it ?
Best Regards
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#!/usr/bin/perl use MIME::Entity; my $username = shift() . ''; my $psfile = shift; my $GS = '/usr/local/bin/gs'; my $title = ''; open(PSFILE,$psfile); while(<PSFILE>) { s/\s+$//; if (s/^%%Title:\s+//) { $title = $_; last; } } close(PSFILE); my $pdffile = "doc$$.pdf"; my $ps2pdfcmd = "$GS -dSAFER -q -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=$pdffile -c .setpdfwrite -f $psfile"; system($ps2pdfcmd); my $top = MIME::Entity->build( From => "Samba Server <trash\>", To => $username, Subject => "Uw document als PDF-bestand.", Data => ["Uw document ($title) als PDF-bestand (zie attachment).\n\n", "Your document ($title) as PDF-file (see attachment)."] ); $top->attach( Path => $pdffile, Type => "application/pdf", Encoding=> "base64"); my $SENDMAIL = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; my $pid = open(SENDMAIL,"|-"); die "Can't fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid; if ($pid) { $top->print(\*SENDMAIL); close SENDMAIL; } else { exec $SENDMAIL,'-f','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',$username; die "Can't exec $SENDMAIL: $!\n"; } unlink $pdffile; unlink $psfile;
#!/usr/bin/perl use MIME::Entity; my $username = shift() . ''; my $eps_filename = shift; my $bbox_filename = "$eps_filename.$$.bbox"; my $tiff_filename = "$eps_filename.$$.tiff"; # DOS EPS Binary File Header # Bytes Description # 0-3 Must be hex C5D0D3C6 (byte 0=C5). (big-endian) # 4-7 Byte position in file for start of PostScript language code section. # 8-11 Byte length of PostScript language section. # 12-15 Byte position in file for start of Metafile screen representation. # 16-19 Byte length of Metafile section (PSize). # 20-23 Byte position of TIFF representation. # 24-27 Byte length of TIFF section. # 28-29 Checksum of header (XOR of bytes 0-27). If Checksum is FFFF # then ignore it. # # Since this is a DOS format all values should be little endian. # # It is assumed that either the Metafile or the TIFF position and length fields # are zero. That is, only one or the other of these two formats is included in # the EPS file. my $DOS_EPS_BF_HEADER_FORMAT = 'NVVVVVVv'; my $DOS_EPS_BF_MAGIC = 0xc5d0d3c6; my $GS = '/usr/local/bin/gs'; my($lower,$left,$upper,$right); &purifyFile; &adjustBoundingBox; &addTiffPreview; my $title = ''; open(BBOXFILE,$bbox_filename); while(<BBOXFILE>) { s/\s+$//; if (s/^%%Title:\s+//) { $title = $_; last; } } close(BBOXFILE); my $top = MIME::Entity->build( From => "Samba Server <trash\>", To => $username, Subject => "Uw plaatje als EPS-bestand.", Data => ["Uw plaatjes ($title) als EPS-bestand (zie attachment).\n\n", "Your picture ($title) as EPS-file (see attachment)."] ); $top->attach( Path => $eps_filename, Type => "application/ps", Encoding=> "base64"); my $SENDMAIL = "/usr/lib/sendmail"; my $pid = open(SENDMAIL,"|-"); die "Can't fork: $!\n" unless defined $pid; if ($pid) { $top->print(\*SENDMAIL); close SENDMAIL; } else { exec $SENDMAIL,'-f','[EMAIL PROTECTED]',$username; die "Can't exec $SENDMAIL: $!\n"; } unlink $tiff_filename; unlink $bbox_filename; unlink $eps_filename; exit 0; # purifyFile extracts the pure PostScript code from an EPS-file if # a preview has been added. sub purifyFile { my $header; open(EPSFILE,$eps_filename); read(EPSFILE,$header,30) or die "Can't read header: $!\n"; my($magic,$startPS,$lengthPS,$startWMF,$lengthWMF,$startTIFF,$lengthTIFF, $checksum) = unpack($DOS_EPS_BF_HEADER_FORMAT,$header); if ($magic == $DOS_EPS_BF_MAGIC) { my $postscript; seek(EPSFILE,$startPS,0); read(EPSFILE,$postscript,$lengthPS); close(EPSFILE); open(EPSFILE,">$eps_filename") or die "Can't write $eps_filename: $!\n"; print EPSFILE $postscript; } else { die "$eps_filename doesn't seem to be postscript!\n" if $header !~ m/^%!/; } close(EPSFILE); } # Adjust BoundingBox. sub adjustBoundingBox { my $cmd = "$GS -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=bbox $eps_filename 2>&1"; open(GS,"$cmd|") or die "Can't run $GS: $!\n"; while(<GS>) { chop; last if m/^%%BoundingBox:/; } close(GS); if (s/^%%BoundingBox:\s+//) { ($left,$lower,$right,$upper) = split(/\s+/); } else { return 0; } if ($left > 5 && $lower > 5) { $left -= 5; $lower -= 5; $right += 5; $upper += 5; } open(EPSFILE,$eps_filename); open(BBOXFILE,">$bbox_filename"); while (<EPSFILE>) { last if m/^%%BoundingBox:/; print BBOXFILE; } print BBOXFILE "%%BoundingBox: $left $lower $right $upper\n"; while (<EPSFILE>) { print BBOXFILE; } close(BBOXFILE); close(EPSFILE); } sub addTiffPreview { my($width,$height) = ($right-$left,$upper-$lower); my $cmd = "$GS -dSAFER -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -dDEVICEWIDTH=$width -dDEVICEHEIGHT=$height -q -r72 -sDEVICE=tiffpack -sOutputFile=$tiff_filename -"; open(GS,"|$cmd") or die "Can't run $GS: $!\n"; print GS<<EOF; -$left -$lower translate /EPSTOOL_save save def /showpage {} def count /EPSTOOL_count exch def /EPSTOOL_countdictstack countdictstack def EOF open(BBOXFILE,$bbox_filename); while (<BBOXFILE>) { print GS; } close(BBOXFILE); print GS<<EOF; count EPSTOOL_count sub {pop} repeat countdictstack EPSTOOL_countdictstack sub {end} repeat EPSTOOL_save restore showpage quit EOF close(GS); unlink $eps_filename; $eps_filename = "pic$$.eps"; my($header) = pack($DOS_EPS_BF_HEADER_FORMAT, $DOS_EPS_BF_MAGIC, 30, # start postscript code (-s $bbox_filename), # length postscript code 0, # start windows representation 0, # length windows representation 30 + (-s $bbox_filename), # start tiff representation (-s $tiff_filename), # length tiff representation 0xffff); # no checksum open(EPSFILE,">$eps_filename"); print EPSFILE $header; close(EPSFILE); system("cat $bbox_filename $tiff_filename >> $eps_filename"); }