
I have installed Red Hat 8.0 and Samba. I have set up samba to use
Winbind and I can getent passwd a name on the domain. I have set up the
login and sshd files in pam.d to allow users to log in(also, added
winbind to the nsswitch.conf file). I have also set up
to create the home folders. I have also set this up on a Red Hat 7.3
server with no problems. What I'm getting is this.

When the user logs in, and puts in NT Domain username and password, it
pauses for a sec, then the SSH  term (Putty) simply disappears. In the
secure log file, it states this

sshd[2924]: fatal: PAM session setup failed[6]: Permission denied.

Now, I ran into this problem before and updating the pam mods seems to
fix this. However, the rpm for the pam mods are newer on the RH 8.0 box.
Also, I have made sure that everyone has R X permissions on the file. They also have the initial DOMAIN name specified
in the home folder. Any Idea why permissions would be denied?

If you need to see the config files for samba, let me know

Any help would be great...

Joe Giles
AOL: mcigiles

Registered Linux User #264910

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