> I'm in the "testing and proof" stage of converting from Windows NT 4 to
> Linux/SAMBA and I'm very interested in any "stress testing" that you (or
> anyone else) could point me to.  If you get your DOS Program working,
> would you mind sharing it?
> The other thing that interests me in your post is the corruption of a
> Paradox database.  I'm also trying to convert of a buddy of mine to the
> SAMBA scene at his wife's Veterinarian clinic.  They use a Paradox
> database for just about ALL of their record keeping and billing.  Last
> week we setup a test server with Red Hat 8 and Samba 2.2.5 and got nearly
> 4 times the performance over Windows 2000 running the database on the same
> hardware.  The problem is that they *pound* on the database 8-12 hours a
> day 6 days a week.  I I'm looking at corruption 4-48 into production, I'm
> not going to have a buddy for very long....  Have been able to learn
> anything more on this front?
> I'm going back out the clinic tonight to do some more testing and I'll
> report anything that happens while I'm there.
> Kevin
I understand your worry. I'm right now considering going back to Win98 as we
have to figure out, where exactly the problem lies. I have tried with different kernels
2.4.16 through 2.4.19 but have not yet been able to solve this issue.
If I were you I would be very careful about moving the database as things are
right now. I suggest that you at least run a very lengthy concurrent paradox stress
test (from multiply workstations) before moving.
You could have a copy of my DOS testprogram, but it's in Danish and I have never
translated it to English.
The program was written as we had problems with database corruption when moving a
financial database from Netware to Windows NT3.5.
The reason I posted the original message is that I'm really interested in knowing how
Samba has been stress tested.

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