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> Message: 1
> From: Chris McKeever <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [Samba] WINBIND configuration and NT Authentication]
> Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 09:54:51 -0600
> Mikko..you hit the nail on the head with the PAM configuration...
> I will fiddle around with those sites to try to get i going (I already
> locked myself out once...wonderful!)

When playing with pam, always keep a root login open until you are
absolutely sure your config works.

> If any one has working pam config files that they could post or email,
> would be great.

You can find one in recent versions of samba (2.2.5 and later I think):

This is what we use to replace /etc/pam.d/system-auth to do all
authentication via winbind. In pam files that use pam_stack, you can
also use 'service=system-auth-winbind' if you install this file as
/etc/pam.d/system-auth-winbind and don't want to authenticate all
services by winbind.

Here is the file in webcvs:


> Does one need to restart a pam service after changes are made? If so..how?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mikko Rautiainen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Sunday, November 17, 2002 3:56 AM
> To: Samba ML
> Subject: Re: [Samba] WINBIND configuration and NT Authentication]
> Hi,
> Yes it's possible to authenticate users from win 2000 server with
> winbind. For me
> the PAM configuration was the hardest part. I used mandrake 9 and it has
> a realy
> good pre config. And if you want to modify the folder/file permissions
> from NT/W2k
> PDC then don't use ReiserFS as the filesystem. Use either EXT3 or XFS.
> Mayby the
> ReiserFS 4 will have the ACL support.
> I have had dificulties with suse and samba. Like my suse8 home server
> needs a restart
> after 2 days and I don't know the reason why. I just lose the connection
> to the samba.
> So the winbind part was easy to make work in mandrake 9, just need to
> config smb.conf
> right and thats about it.

In fact, if you do an expert installation of Mandrake 9.0, you can join
the domain during installtion (choose "Windows Domain" as authentication
method in the dialog where you enter your root password). Just enter
your domain name in caps (small buglet, we don't capitalise the domain
name before creating /home/%D). It will join the domain for you,
configure pam etc.

But, this sets up a very basic smb.conf (only for running winbind for
authentication of other services). For real samba use, copy
/etc/samba/smb-winbind.conf over /etc/samba/smb.conf and just set your
workgroup again in the file, and you will get a more usual samba config.

> The PAM is a bit harder (to me at least). PAM
> is the key for the
> linux end to understand to use the winbind connection. If not correctly
> cinfigured it can't
> get the authentication from the Win NT/2k PDC.
> Here are some links that was helpful for me.
> http://archives.neohapsis.com/archives/pam-list/2001-10/0038.html
> http://ma.ph-freiburg.de/tng/tng-users/2001-06/msg00025.html
> http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.html (very helpful)
> Hope these help
> Mikko Rautiainen

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