On Wed, 2002-11-20 at 21:14, Kristyan Osborne wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering what is the current state of play with samba 3 being a BDC?? Is 
>there any documentation anywhere?

It should work, once  you get the SIDs right, for users at least
(assuming ldap or rsynced smbpasswd).  Other things are harder to get
synced across correctly.

There is some (slightly out date) documentation in the source disto.  

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Manager, Authentication Subsystems, Samba Team  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Student Network Administrator, Hawker College   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
http://samba.org     http://build.samba.org     http://hawkerc.net

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