Frank Bonnet wrote:
Hash: SHA1

Toby Bluhm wrote:
Frank Bonnet wrote:
Hash: SHA1


We are facing a bit boring problem

We are on the way to upgrade our PDC from 2.2.8 to 3.2.11
as we do not want to reconfigure the PDC IP address on several
hundreds of windows XP clients we have chosen to keep the same
IP address for the new PDC.

The problem is windows clients does not update the name of network
drives and keep the old names even connected to the new PDC server
and it's new shares ...

I suspect there are some caching mechanisms that are not completely
cleaned (!!!) by windows.

Any infos on "how to clean widows caches" are welcome.

If I understand you correctly, you mean everything is working just fine,
but the server name displayed in file explorer for the network drive
letter is still the old server name.

If that's it, check the registry:


Delete the entries for the server & it will automatically refresh to the
current setting.


Thanks for the answer, but I have a problem to do that on our ~800
windows PC ...

Is it possible to do it remotely or automate-it during boot up time ?


Something like this in your login script - should be all one line.

reg delete HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ComputerDescriptions /v servername_or_IP /f

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