Thank Collen for response, I was change my pdc to a better is OPldap my log is :

Whe i try to connect typing this i can't connect to the pdc server

PLease can you help me to solve this, i'm working in a University and this is 
the solution that I proposed as a solution

r...@multiterminal:/home/usuario2# net join -U prueba

[2009/06/16 10:21:03, 2] lib/smbldap.c:smbldap_open_connection(786)
  smbldap_open_connection: connection opened
[2009/06/16 10:21:03, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:init_sam_from_ldap(545)
  init_sam_from_ldap: Entry found for user: prueba
[2009/06/16 10:21:03, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:init_group_from_ldap(2167)
  init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 1001
[2009/06/16 10:21:03, 2] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:init_group_from_ldap(2167)
  init_group_from_ldap: Entry found for group: 1001
[2009/06/16 10:21:03, 1] auth/auth_sam.c:sam_account_ok(173)
  sam_account_ok: Account for user 'prueba' password must change!.
[2009/06/16 10:21:03, 2] auth/auth.c:check_ntlm_password(319)
  check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [prueba] -> [prueba] FAILED 

My OPen ldap is : OpenLDAP: slapd 2.4.9
My samba is Samba 3.0.28a

In a ubuntu hardy heron 8.04

My smb.conf is:

### Configuracion basica del servidor ###
workgroup = home
netbios name = servidor
server string = Samba PDC Version %v
### Configuracion para que la maquina sea el PDC master ###
os level = 65
preferred master = yes
local master = yes
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes
### Configuracion de seguridad y conexion ###
security = user
guest ok = no
encrypt passwords = yes
null passwords = no
hosts allow =
wins support = yes
name resolve order = wins lmhosts host bcast
dns proxy = no
time server = yes
### Otras configuraciones varias para SAMBA ###
log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
log level = 2
max log size = 50
hide unreadable = yes
hide dot files = yes
panic action = /usr/share/samba/panic-action %d
unix charset = ISO8859-1
### Parametros para el soporte de LDAP ###
passdb backend = ldapsam:ldap://
ldap suffix = dc=home
ldap machine suffix = ou=machines
ldap user suffix = ou=users
ldap group suffix = ou=groups
ldap admin dn = cn=admin,dc=home
ldap delete dn = no
enable privileges = yes
; Para permitir a los usuarios cambiar su clave desde Windows
ldap password sync = yes
### Perfiles moviles de usuario, carpeta home y script de inicio ###
logon home = \\%L\%U\.profile
logon drive = H:
logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
logon script = %U.bat OR netlogon.bat
### Script para automatizar la adicion de cuentas de maquinas     ###
### al arbol LDAP cuando estas se unan por primera vez al dominio ###
add machine script = /usr/sbin/smbldap-useradd -w "%u"
### Impresion ###
load printers = yes
printcap name = /etc/printcap
printing = cups
printcap name = cups
; Si quiero que el grupo sambaadmins pueda administrar las impresoras
; printer admin = @sambaadmins
### Recursos SAMBA ###
# Ruta en donde se alojaran el(los) script(s) de inicio
  comment = Network Logon Service
  path = /home/samba/netlogon
  guest ok = no
  writable = no
  browseable = no
  share modes = no
# Carpeta en donde se guardan los perfiles moviles de los usuarios
  comment = Perfiles de Usuarios
  path = /home/samba/profiles
  writeable = yes
  browseable = no
  guest ok = no
  hide files = /desktop.ini/ntuser.ini/NTUSER.*/
  create mask = 0600
  directory mask = 0700
  csc policy = disable
# Impresoras
  comment = Impresoras
  browseable = no
  path = /var/spool/samba
  printable = yes
  public = no
  writable = no
  create mode = 0700
# Los clientes Windows buscan este recurso como fuente de drivers
  comment = Drivers de Impresoras
  path = /var/lib/samba/printers
  browseable = yes
  read only = yes
  guest ok = no
# carpetas home de los usuarios
  path = /home/users/%U
  comment = Carpetas HOME
  browseable = no
  writeable = yes
  valid users = %S
  read only = no
  guest ok = no
  inherit permissions = yes
# Este es un recurso que solo debe ser accesible
# para un grupo POSIX especial llamado sysfox
  comment = Directorio de Sistemas en Fox
  path = /home/posix/sysfox
  writeable = yes
  delete readonly = yes
  valid users = @sysfox
  write list = @sysfox
  force group = sysfox
  browseable = yes
  create mask = 0770
  directory mask = 0770
# Este recurso es por si quiero compartir la unidad de CD
;   comment = Samba server CD
;   writable = no
;   locking = no
;   path = /media/cdrom0
;   public = yes
; Lo siguiente es para auto-montar el CD cada vez que es accesado y desmontarlo
; cuando se termina la conexión al servidor.
; Para que esto trabaje, el archivo /etc/fstab debe contener una
; entrada así: /dev/hdc0   /media/cdrom iso9660 defaults,noauto,ro,user    0 0
;   preexec = /bin/mount /cdrom
;   postexec = /bin/umount /cdrom

My slapd.conf is

# Allow LDAPv2 binds
allow bind_v2

# This is the main slapd configuration file. See slapd.conf(5) for more
# info on the configuration options.

# Global Directives:

# Features to permit
#allow bind_v2

# Schema and objectClass definitions
include         /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
include         /etc/ldap/schema/samba.schema

# Where the pid file is put. The init.d script
# will not stop the server if you change this.
pidfile         /var/run/slapd/

# List of arguments that were passed to the server
argsfile        /var/run/slapd/slapd.args

# Read slapd.conf(5) for possible values
loglevel        none

# Where the dynamically loaded modules are stored
modulepath    /usr/lib/ldap
moduleload    back_bdb

# The maximum number of entries that is returned for a search operation
sizelimit 500

# The tool-threads parameter sets the actual amount of cpu's that is used
# for indexing.
tool-threads 1

# Specific Backend Directives for bdb:
# Backend specific directives apply to this backend until another
# 'backend' directive occurs
backend        bdb

# Specific Backend Directives for 'other':
# Backend specific directives apply to this backend until another
# 'backend' directive occurs
#backend        <other>

# Specific Directives for database #1, of type bdb:
# Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another
# 'database' directive occurs
database        bdb

# The base of your directory in database #1
suffix          "dc=home"

# rootdn directive for specifying a superuser on the database. This is needed
# for syncrepl.
# rootdn          "cn=admin,dc=home"

# Where the database file are physically stored for database #1
directory       "/var/lib/ldap"

# The dbconfig settings are used to generate a DB_CONFIG file the first
# time slapd starts.  They do NOT override existing an existing DB_CONFIG
# file.  You should therefore change these settings in DB_CONFIG directly
# or remove DB_CONFIG and restart slapd for changes to take effect.

# For the Debian package we use 2MB as default but be sure to update this
# value if you have plenty of RAM
dbconfig set_cachesize 0 2097152 0

# Sven Hartge reported that he had to set this value incredibly high
# to get slapd running at all. See for more
# information.

# Number of objects that can be locked at the same time.
dbconfig set_lk_max_objects 1500
# Number of locks (both requested and granted)
dbconfig set_lk_max_locks 1500
# Number of lockers
dbconfig set_lk_max_lockers 1500

# Indexing options for database #1
index           objectClass eq

# Save the time that the entry gets modified, for database #1
lastmod         on

# Checkpoint the BerkeleyDB database periodically in case of system
# failure and to speed slapd shutdown.
checkpoint      512 30

# Where to store the replica logs for database #1
# replogfile    /var/lib/ldap/replog

# The userPassword by default can be changed
# by the entry owning it if they are authenticated.
# Others should not be able to see it, except the
# admin entry below
# These access lines apply to database #1 only
access to attrs=userPassword,shadowLastChange,sambaLMPassword,sambaNTPassword
        by dn="cn=admin,dc=home" write
        by anonymous auth
        by self write
        by * none

# Ensure read access to the base for things like
# supportedSASLMechanisms.  Without this you may
# have problems with SASL not knowing what
# mechanisms are available and the like.
# Note that this is covered by the 'access to *'
# ACL below too but if you change that as people
# are wont to do you'll still need this if you
# want SASL (and possible other things) to work 
# happily.
access to dn.base="" by * read

# The admin dn has full write access, everyone else
# can read everything.
access to *
        by dn="cn=admin,dc=home" write
        by * read

# For Netscape Roaming support, each user gets a roaming
# profile for which they have write access to
#access to dn=".*,ou=Roaming,o=morsnet"
#        by dn="cn=admin,dc=home" write
#        by dnattr=owner write

# Specific Directives for database #2, of type 'other' (can be bdb too):
# Database specific directives apply to this databasse until another
# 'database' directive occurs
#database        <other>

# The base of your directory for database #2
#suffix        "dc=debian,dc=org"

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