To me, that means that the Windows default profile has this set in it.  Once it 
is set on a user's profile, it will need to be reset for each user.  It's not 
uncommon for a system administrator to configure the an account the way they 
want it, then copy that users' profile to the Default Profile (typically under 
C:\Documents and Settings\Default User, to see it Hidden files/folders need to 
be visible).  For a domain-wide default profile, it can be located at 
\\domain-controller\netlogon\Default User.

One way to modify it is to create a temp user with administrative privileges, 
login as the temp user to get the Default Profile and modify the settings.  Log 
off as that user, then logon as an different administrative user.  Then use the 
profile copy tool (Control Panel, System, Advanced, User Profiles Settings, 
copy the Temp Users'profile to C:\Documents and Settings\Default User (per 
workstation) or \\domain-controller\netlogon\Default User (per domain).  This 
only fixes it for new users, or if you're doing mandatory profiles.

On 6/30/09 9:35 AM, "David Christensen" <> wrote:


It appears every user is getting this the first time the login to the
newly created domain after I enabled roaming profiles.  How can I
disable this without having to work on every machine?
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