Glenn T. Arnold wrote:
Harry, You did give me an idea though. For grins I just set rights to 0777 even on the extended acls and I still get access denied when trying to upload print drivers. Here is the updated rights on /var/lib/samba/printers.


Check your apparmor setttings:


Mine looks like this:

abstractions/samba:2:  /etc/samba/smb.conf r,
abstractions/samba:3:  /usr/share/samba/*.dat mr,
abstractions/samba:4:  /var/lib/samba/**.tdb mrw,
abstractions/samba:5:  /var/log/samba/cores/* w,
abstractions/samba:6:  /var/log/samba/log.* w,
abstractions/samba:7:  /var/run/samba/*.tdb mrw,

Seems you'd need to add /var/lib/samba/printers/* mrw or similar.


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