Where is this coming from, and what does it mean.


Samba version 2.2.4

Service      uid      gid      pid     machine


IPC$         nobody   nobody   26705   learncom-55 ( Thu Dec  5 15:35:07 2002

IPC$         nobody   nobody   26709   te2228-05 ( Thu Dec  5 15:35:11 2002

IPC$         nobody   nobody   26704   ib1112-247 ( Thu Dec  5 15:35:07 2002

IPC$         nobody   nobody   26708   ib1112-357 ( Thu Dec  5 15:35:11 2002

IPC$         nobody   nobody   26702   learncom-11 ( Thu Dec  5 15:35:06 2002

machines     tomomi_ozaki student  26702   learncom-11 ( Thu Dec  5 15:35:16 2002

IPC$         nobody   nobody   26703   te2228-11 ( Thu Dec  5 15:35:06 2002


This is causing me great problems…

Here is my config file….


        workgroup = ACADEMIC

        netbios name = ACADEMIC-SERVER

        encrypt passwords = Yes

        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m

        max log size = 50

        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192

        guest ok = No

        interfaces =

        os level = 64

        preferred master = True

        domain master = True

        domain logons = Yes

#        add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -d /dev/nuell -g 100 -s /bin/false -M %u

        logon path = \\ACADEMIC-SERVER\machines\%m\profile

#       local master = Yes

        dns proxy = No

#       wins proxy = Yes

        wins server =

#       remote announce =

        delete veto files = Yes

        veto files = /.AppleDouble/.AppleDesktop/Network Trash



        path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon

        writeable = no

        guest ok = no

        write list = ntadmin




        comment = Profiles

        path = /home/machines

        valid users = @student @instructor @administrator @superuser @systemadmin

        writeable = yes

        create mask = 0775

        directory mask = 0775

        guest ok = No

        browseable = No

        locking = No


Thanks in advance….

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