Quoting Agustin Eguia <agustin.eg...@gmail.com>:

I already readed the manual and found the information given there
somewhat confusing at least for people who hasn't been working with
samba for a long time. I edited my smb.conf file and added the
following lines :

        vfs objects = full_audit
        path = /shared/records
        full_audit:prefix = %u|%I|%T|%M|%m
        full_audit:success = open opendir read readdir rmdir sendfile
write chmod chmod_acl chown connect disconnect mkdir
        full_audit:failure = all

I restarted the smb service but there are no log files to be found at
the path I gave, am I missing something ? Also I don't know in the
following line "full_audit:facility = LOCAL7" what LOCAL7 stands for. I
tryed opening various files on the shares from another computer and
nothing happened

Samba requires a certain level of familiarity with Unix.  You need to
learn this stuff.  In the case of the audit facility, while I haven't
used it nor read up on it I recognize LOCAL7 as a syslog logging facility.
Please go read "man rsyslogd" or "man syslogd" if you have an older system.
You'll then need to edit the configuration file for your logging system,
for example /etc/rsyslog.conf on my system, and indicate where you'd like the
data logged.

The log files are not stored at the path, the path is the directory you are exporting to other machines.

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