Blotto wrote:
only users listed in the smb.conf file for that share
have access regardless of the acl permissions set
Maybe I'm not reading this right, but I think that is how it is supposed to work.

When you define which users can access a share that is checked when they attempt to connect, file system ACLs will only come in to play after the user has been granted access to the share.

[Admin] path = /media/Shared/ read only = no create mode = 0700 directory mode = 0700 nt acl support = yes acl map full control = yes admin users = @MY+fileserveradmin valid users = @"MY+Domain Users" browseable = true
So are you trying to grant Fred (for example) access to the files, even though he isn't a member of "MY\Domain Users" (probably a bad example since all users are likely to be in that group)?

*Michael Heydon - IT Administrator * <>

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