
I'm following up my original message with more information, but unfortunately 
no real progress. 

I've updated to Samba 3.4.0 and winbindd -V now reports: Version 

I've also tried setting "password server =" which is the IP address 
of one of my local domain controllers. However, following the logs, I'm still 
watching Winbind cycle through the list of all trusted domains and the domain 
controllers within those domains (as detailed below), even when my Samba server 
is unable to connect to those servers.

I can't believe we are the only organisation to want to use Samba in a site 
with links to other, trusted domains, but my Google skills are failing me. Is 
this a configuration problem with the Samba server, or a configuration problem 
with Active Directory itself?

I'm now stuck and don't know how to progress this, so would really appreciate 
some input from the gurus on this list.

Many thanks in anticipation.


From: "jrmailgate-sa...@yahoo.co.uk" <jrmailgate-sa...@yahoo.co.uk>
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Sent: Thursday, 23 July, 2009 13:12:37
Subject: [Samba] Winbind issue connecting to trusted domain controllers


The quick question: Is there a way of forcing a Samba server that is an Active 
Directory member server to limit lookups to it's local domain only and not all 
trusted domains?

The question in more detail:

I have a Samba server that is joined to my local AD domain 
("css.ad.example.com"). There are other domains under ad.example.com such as 
lps.ad.example.com and mat.ad.example.com within the same forest, and 
additional trusts setup to external domains. The problem I have is that 
authentication works "some" of the time and then fails for seemingly random 
amounts of time before working again. I've managed to reproduce this behaviour 
through running wbinfo numerous times in succession and monitoring the output.

Running wbinfo -t returns the following:
    checking the trust secret via RPC calls succeeded

However, running wbinfo -u returns:
    Error looking up domain users

Having done some debugging with the Samba debug level set to 10, and performing 
packet captures with tcpdump/wireshark, I believe the following is happening:

Winbind is obtaining a list of of trusted domains and is adding them to a list 
using add_trusted_domain.

    [2009/07/23 12:09:28, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(172)
      Added domain CSS CSS.AD.EXAMPLE.COM 
    [2009/07/23 12:09:28, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(172)
      Added domain CENTRAL central.ad.example.com 
    [2009/07/23 12:09:28, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(172)
      Added domain GRP grp.ad.example.com 
    [2009/07/23 12:09:28, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(172)
      Added domain MMSC mmsc-example.com 
    [2009/07/23 12:09:28, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(172)
      Added domain LPS lps.ad.example.com 
    [2009/07/23 12:09:28, 2] nsswitch/winbindd_util.c:add_trusted_domain(172)
      Added domain MAT mat.ad.example.com 

The last added entry "MAT mat.ad.example.com" is then set as the domain(?):

    [2009/07/23 12:09:41, 4] libsmb/namequery_dc.c:ads_dc_name(73)
      ads_dc_name: domain=MAT

Winbind then attempts to get a list of all the domain controllers:

    [2009/07/23 12:09:41, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1495)
      get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *"

Winbind attempts to locate the LDAP server in the MAT domain, but fails:

    [2009/07/23 12:10:01, 3] libads/dns.c:dns_send_req(303)
      ads_dns_lookup_srv: Failed to resolve 
_ldap._tcp.dc._msdcs.mat.ad.example.com (Connection timed out)
    [2009/07/23 12:10:01, 3] libads/dns.c:ads_dns_lookup_srv(363)
      ads_dns_lookup_srv: Failed to send DNS query (NT_STATUS_IO_TIMEOUT)
    [2009/07/23 12:10:01, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1522)
      get_dc_list: no servers found

Having failed to obtain the LDAP address by DNS, Winbind then tries to resolve 
the address using lmhosts and WINS. Both fail because although the trusts are 
in place, the Samba server does not have network access to the MAT domain. 
After Winbind exhausts the various options of resolving the MAT domain, it then 
attempts the same with the LPS domain. LPS was the entry added immediately 
before MAT so it appears to be traversing the list of trusted :

    [2009/07/23 12:10:24, 4] libsmb/namequery_dc.c:ads_dc_name(73)
      ads_dc_name: domain=LPS
    [2009/07/23 12:10:24, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1495)
      get_dc_list: preferred server list: ", *"
    [2009/07/23 12:10:24, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1605)
      get_dc_list: returning 21 ip addresses in an ordered list
    [2009/07/23 12:10:24, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1606)

In Wireshark, I can see this request being made by the NetrGetAnyDCName call 
and the response from a local domain controller, but the contents of the packet 
are encrypted. This time the IP addresses for the domain controllers on the LPS 
domain are returned (so presumably the local domain controller Winbind is 
querying at this point knows about the LPS domain controllers). 

Winbind then attempts to connect to the first IP address in the list 

    [2009/07/23 12:10:31, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_try_connect(189)
      ads_try_connect: CLDAP request failed.

This fails so it tries the second in the list and so on. None of these 
addresses will work as the Samba server is unable to connect to these external 
DCs due to the network configuration. Partway through this process wbinfo times 
out and errors. Windbind continues to work through the list of trusted domains 
until it eventually reaches the first domain "CSS" (of which the Samba server 
is a member), at which point everything springs into life:

    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery_dc.c:ads_dc_name(73)
      ads_dc_name: domain=CSS
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1495)
      get_dc_list: preferred server list: "mancssdc01.css.ad.example.com, *"
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1605)
      get_dc_list: returning 3 ip addresses in an ordered list
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1606)
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_connect(394)
      Connected to LDAP server
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1495)
      get_dc_list: preferred server list: "mancssdc01.css.ad.example.com, *"
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1605)
      get_dc_list: returning 3 ip addresses in an ordered list
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1606)
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 3] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1495)
      get_dc_list: preferred server list: "mancssdc01.css.ad.example.com, *"
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1605)
      get_dc_list: returning 3 ip addresses in an ordered list
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery.c:get_dc_list(1606)
    [2009/07/23 12:53:54, 4] libsmb/namequery_dc.c:ads_dc_name(139)
      ads_dc_name: using server='MANCSSDC01.CSS.AD.EXAMPLE.COM' IP=

This works correctly for a short while, wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g both return the 
correct results. But then Winbind goes back through the list of domains and 
everything stops working again.

So, is there a way I can specify that winbind only uses the CSS domain and does 
not try and connect to the other trusted domains?

I'm running CentOS 5.3 with Samba 3.0.33-3.7.el5 with the following smb.conf:

        workgroup = CSS
        realm = CSS.AD.EXAMPLE.COM
        server string = Samba Server Version %v
        security = ADS
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        preferred master = No
        winbind use default domain = Yes

Any help much appreciated!!!



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