On Tue, Jul 28, 2009 at 9:16 AM, Herbert G. Fischer <
herbert.fisc...@locaweb.com.br> wrote:

> Hi David,
> I'm not 100% shure about my answer but I think it's a Windows 2003 Server
> SP2 working as AD.
> On 27/julho/2009, at 20:54, David Markey wrote:
>  What is the domain controller, Samba, AD, or an NT domain?
>> On Mon, 27 Jul 2009 17:51:45 -0300, "Herbert G. Fischer"
>> <herbert.fisc...@locaweb.com.br> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've spent two days trying to figure out how to solve this,
>>> researching on the web, etc, and found no answer... :S
>>> I've setup a Ubuntu 9.04 with Samba and Winbind, joined the domain
>>> (using RPC) and when I try to list users and groups using wbinfo I got
>>> nothing.
>>> I already tryed deleting tdb files from /var/lib/samba and restarting
>>> samba and winbind, joined the domain again, etc, and nothing changed
>>> this behavior. Any idea on where may be the problem and how to solve it?
>>> # wbinfo -t
>>> checking the trust secret via RPC calls succeeded
>>> # wbinfo -u
>>> # wbinfo -g
>>> ======== smb.conf ========
>>> [global]
>>>        server string = %h
>>>        workgroup = WEB-NET
>>>        realm = web-net.xxxxxxxx.com.br
>>>        domain master = no
>>>        password server = xm850.xxxxxxxx.com.br
>>>        wins server = xm850.xxxxxxxx.com.br
>>>        security = domain
>>>        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
>>>        interfaces = eth0
>>>        bind interfaces only = yes
>>>        log level = 5
>>>        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>>>        max log size = 1000
>>>        syslog = 0
>>>        # disable printers
>>>        load printers = no
>>>        printing = bsd
>>>        printcap name = /dev/null
>>>        disable spoolss = yes
>>>        encrypt passwords = true
>>>        idmap backend = tdb
>>>        idmap uid = 50000-55000
>>>        idmap gid = 50000-55000
>>>        template shell = /bin/bash
>>>        template homedir = /home/web-net/%U
>>>        winbind use default domain = yes
>>>        winbind separator = \\
>>>        winbind enum users = yes
>>>        winbind enum groups = yes
>>>        winbind cache time = 15
>>> ====================
>>> === log.winbind ====
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:31,  3] winbindd/
>>> winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_interface_version(754)
>>>  [12377]: request interface version
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:31,  3] winbindd/
>>> winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_priv_pipe_dir(787)
>>>  [12377]: request location of privileged pipe
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:31,  2] winbindd/winbindd.c:remove_client(744)
>>>  final write to client failed: Broken pipe
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:31,  3] winbindd/
>>> winbindd_misc.c:winbindd_list_ent(127)
>>>  [12377]: list users
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:31,  5] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:listent_recv(203)
>>>  listent_recv: XM2012 returned no users.
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:31,  5] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:listent_recv(203)
>>>  listent_recv: BUILTIN returned no users.
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:31,  1] winbindd/winbindd_util.c:trustdom_recv(303)
>>>  Could not receive trustdoms
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:32,  5] winbindd/winbindd_async.c:listent_recv(465)
>>>  list_ent() failed!
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:32,  5] winbindd/winbindd_misc.c:listent_recv(203)
>>>  listent_recv: WEB-NET returned no users.
>>> [2009/07/27 17:43:32,  2] winbindd/winbindd.c:remove_client(744)
>>>  final write to client failed: Broken pipe
>>> ===================
>>> best regards,
>>> Herbert G. Fischer
> Herbert G. Fischer
> Locaweb
> Eleita pela INFO Exame 2008 o melhor Data Center do Brasil.
> Geral: + 55 11 3544-0444 R568

Try this

rm -rf /var/lib/samba/*
/etc/init.d/winbind restart
wbinfo -t
wbinfo -g
wbinfo -u
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