You might also need to populate this setting:

A) Only allowing local profiles and disabling roaming profiles:
(start->run->gpedit.msc->Local Computer Policy->Computer
Configuration->Administratrive Templates->System->User Profiles

As a result, each user gets a profile created in C:\Documents and

Kyle Schmitt wrote:
How do you enable local profile creation on machines connected to a samba PDC?

I thought it would be automatic, but it doesn't seem to be.  If there
isn't a roving profile, windows complains it can't find your profile
on the server, then instead of creating a local one, it throws up this

"Windows cannot find the local profile and is logging you on with a
temporary profile. Changes you make to this profile will be lost when
you log off."

I thought perhaps it needed a "Default User" profile served over the
network, but adding such a profile to my config didn't help anything.

I wouldn't think it was something to do in my smb.conf, but it's
below, just in case it helps.

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