

I'm having a problem getting samba to work properly.  In a nutshell, we
had Samba running (version 3.0.x, the version that comes with RHEL4u4),
but then our security guys made us make several changes to our Win2k3
domain controller, and now I cannot get this to work.


First, I'm simply trying to join a Linux file server to a Windows domain
for file sharing purposes, I have no desire to set this up as a domain
controller or to use winbind.  I've run into several problems while
trying to fix this, managed to get past a few, but I still cannot get
this to work.  Your guidance is greatly appreciated.


My problem is two-fold, first, I cannot join the domain using the net
ads join command.  When I do, I get the error: 



Ads_setup_sasl_wrapping() failed: NT_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED"


Kinit succeeded but ads_sasl_spnego_krb5_bind failed

"failed to join domain: failed to connect to AD:


It doesn't matter if I use ads or domain for security mode (someone
suggested using domain instead of ads), it still gives the same error.


Now, if I use net rpc join -U adminname -S servername


It will join the domain, but when I try to access the server it asks me
for a username and password and does not allow me to see any of the


I attempted to use this simple smb.conf file:



                Workgroup = FTT

                Realm = FTT.COM

                security = ads

                password server = ftt-dc01

                encrypt passwords = yes

                client ldap sasl wrapping = sign

                client ntlmv2 auth = yes


Along with some shares.


Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated.


Thank you!

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