> >   
> Your situation is very confusing. Your server name is, according to your
> smb.conf line:
>         netbios name = fileserver
> and you are also forcing all users to connect as username & group
>         force user = fileserver
>         force group = fileserver
> The force user tells Samba to connect as user "fileserver" no matter
> what id the user connects with. However, if your .auth file already is
> telling Samba that you are connecting as fileserver, this should have no
> affect.
> I note that you also have guest ok = yes in your smb.conf. It is
> possible that you are not connecting as user fileserver, possibly due to
> a .auth file error.  You may be connecting as guest which may still have
> read access but probably not write. Try manually connecting without
> specifying a password in the .auth file. See if you get an error message.
A test with no password in my .auth file proved NOT to work, so this
means I can't connect to the server without the right

I did this force user and group to enable everybody in the company to
read and write to the shared folder... 

I am just completely unhappy that the Windows works 100% and the Linux
not... This is just wrong :( 

Be that as it may...If you don't feel like breaking your head on this,
could you maybe help me with creating a samba conf that would require no
authentication, and have read/write access for all... This was the
original idea....Just a simple shared folder for all on the network.

Sorry for messing up your head with my confusing configurations :D

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