
I'm trying to set up a samba client to authenticate from AD (Win2k8), by using rfc2307 schema mode to map uidNumber, gidNumber and unixHomeDirectory. The latter two seem to work, while uidNumber doesn't, at least according to 'wbinfo -i $uid', which shows the uid as the default starting point '10000'.

Another problem is that getent passwd/group doesn't work at all, and because of that neither does authentication ('wbinfo -a/-K' works). I _do_ have winbind on /etc/nsswhitch.conf though, so I'm pretty much out of ideas about what's missing..

my smb.conf:

  workgroup = SHORTREALM
  realm = REALM
  security = ads
  use kerberos keytab = true
  idmap config SHORTREALM:schema_mode = rfc2307
  idmap config SHORTREALM:backend = ad
  idmap config SHORTREAlM:readonly = yes
  winbind nss info = rfc2307
  winbind use default domain = yes

I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 with samba 3.3.2.

Timo Aaltonen
Systems Specialist
IT Services, Helsinki University of Technology
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