My issue is permission denied.  The setup is as follows.

a)  All the development dirs are mounted on Solaris-10/9 server
b)  Home Directories are mounted on a netapp filer
c)  All the /projects[0-5] and /home mounts are setup in automount, NIS
master is Solaris
d)  Samba server is Linux, with winbind and kerberos; samba version is 3.3
e)  Autmounter is running on samba server and can mount /home and
/projects[0-5] fine

Setup is briefly as follows

                 +------------+     +------------+    +-------------+
                 |            |     |            |    |             |
                 |            |     |            |    |             |
                 | Solaris-10 |     | Solaris-10 |    |  NetAPP     |
                 |  NFS       |     |   NFS      |    |   /home     |
                 |  /projects |     |   /project1|    |             |
                 +------------+     +------------+    +-------------+
                  NIS Master

                                    +-------------+   +-------------+
                                    |             |   |             |
                  Linux - RH 5.3    |             |   |             |
                  Automounter       |  Linux      |->-|  Windows AD |
                  NIS Client        |  Samba      |   |  2003 R2    |
                  Kerberos          |  server     |   |             |
                  Winbind           +-------------+   +-------------+
                                          |            server1 (kdc)
                                          |            relam
                                    +-------------+   +-------------+
                                    |             |   |             |
                                    |             |   |             |
                                    |  WIN xP     |   |  Win XP     |
                                    |  Samba      |   |  Samba      |
                                    |  Client     |   |  Client     |
                                    +-------------+   +-------------+

The problem I'm facing is when a user logs in directly to the samba server
or tries to map samba shares /home through win XP clients, it errors with
permission denied.  The Samba server is automounting the /home and
getent passwd and wbinfo -u and wbinfo -g all are working fine.  kinit and
kerberos look ups are fine.  pam configuration looks right, because users
can login.  The only problem is the permission denied access on all /home
mappings and /projects directories being opened in read only access.

On samba server the setup is


passwd: files winbind
group:  files winbind

/etc/samba/smb.conf looks something like this

workgroup = cifs
server string = samba1
security = ads
; use Kerberos keytab = true
password server =
encrypt passwords = true
idmap uid = 16777216-33554431
idmap gid = 16777216-33554431
winbind enum users = true
winbind enum group = true
winbind use default domain = yes
template shell = /bin/bash
template homedir = /home/%U


readonly = no
writable = yes
browsable = no

Path = /projects

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