
We have a large installation consisting of many Citrix servers using 2 Samba 
servers as domain controllers, using 2 LDAP 389 Directory Servers as user 
database. Also, there are workstations using the Samba servers. These LDAP 
servers have around 30000 user accounts, and we have detected that Samba 
servers make this ldap search: 

[07/ Oct /2009:13:54:06 +0200] conn=46 op=13 SRCH base="dc=domain,dc=my" 
scope=2 filter="(&(uid=*)(objectClass=sambaSamAccount))" attrs="uid sambaSID 
displayName description sambaAcctFlags" 

So Samba is trying to retrieve the 30000 user accounts, making the LDAP servers 
freeze. We don't what is happening to make this big query, I think that this 
query results of running the "net user" command from a Windows or Linux 
machine, but I cannot find which machine is executing that command. Is there 
any way to obtain which host is running this command, or which host is the 
responsible of make Samba make that LDAP query? 

If not, is there any way to make Samba apply an additional filter when 
obtaining accounts? I would like to make the query like 

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