

I'm seeing lots (~500k per day) of log entries like:
smbd[13939]: itlab-pc06 (::ffff: couldn't find service it261

In this case, the last character of the request is truncated - it should be

I'm seeing the same/similar issue to

I've dismissed this over the last few weeks as a minor inconvenience, but
I'm now convinced that it's affecting the performance of the Windows client
machines that are connecting to it - a 30 second operation on local disk,
takes upwards of 5 mins over a network connection, generating thousands of
entries similar to the above.

This isn't unique - over the last 16 business hours (it's in a lab in a
university dept.), there have been ~900k similar entries. It's also not just
for this particular share, it's on all of the "home" shares that have been
accessed, and also all of the 4 "defined" shares in smb.conf. Also, it's
across many different hosts, and affecting different Windows OS's. My
primary testing has been using Windows7 - I have a lab of 33 machines with
this OS, but I believe I've also seen this from Windows XP and Vista hosts.

Shares on turing - Dell PE2950 connected to Equalogic PS6000 via iSCSI, 1TB
volume formatted EXT3 for /content and seperate 1TB EXT3 volume for

comment = "IT2610 AV1"
path = /content/it/it2610
writable = yes
browseable = yes
create mask = 0600
directory mask = 0700

comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes
create mask = 0604
directory mask = 0704

Also, it's not restricted to this particular host:
Turing (RHEL5) - tried versions samba-3.0.33-3.14.el5 samba3x-3.3.5-0.40.el5
Babbage (RHEL4) exhibits the same, samba-3.0.33-0.17.el4

Babbage which has higher use (in the last 48 hours), has seen a total of 150
different host/service combinations from the logs, across different networks
with different clients and different OS's.


On 10/17/09 8:59 AM, "Brian" <> wrote:

> Sorry if this a duplicate, previous post was with a disfunctional email
> address.
> Running a samba server version 3.0.7 on a FreeBSD box
> Life has been fine with XP and so forth
> I added a new vista workstation to my small network
> Vista found my shares and I am able to access them with no jerking around
> with authentication types or such as I use appropriate pw and user name to
> log into the vista box.
> Problem is vista is spamming my server, taking up >50% cpu time and creating
> a 500K log file every 2 min
> it is filling the log file with
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> [2009/10/17 08:11:28, 0] smbd/service.c:make_connection(800)
>   dads-pc ( couldn't find service roo
> the service name is truncated also by on letter
> thanks in advance for your help
> Brian

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