I'm trying to use zfs acls in solaris 10. I've looked at past posts regarding this and some online help, but am stuck. I'm currently using samba 3.3.9; I've had the same problem with 3.3.7. samba is compiled and running as an Active Directory member server (compiled with ldap and kerberos). The zfs disk is local. I'm not using winbind. I compiled with zfsacl module.

Permissions appear just fine in solaris. Plus I can read/write with notepad and use other applications such as acrobat. However, Microsoft Office 2007 won't open or save files. I haven't tried other versions of Office; they're not handy.

The following is the configuration for the share:

    comment  = test
    path     = /moe2
    browseable = true
    public   = false
    writable = true
    inherit permissions = yes
    acl check permissions = False
    vfs objects = zfsacl
    inherit acls = yes
    nfs4: mode = simple
    nfs4: acedup = merge
    zfsacl: acesort = dontcare
    map archive = no
    map hidden = no
    map read only = no
    map system = no

The zfs permissions I'm testing look like this. This is for the parent directory; files within have the same permissions (sans the inheritance).

moe-lh /moe2/office/student_workers 546# ls -vd .
drwxrws---+  2 toml     cefac          5 Oct 20 18:36 ./

thank you

Tom Lieuallen
Oregon State University
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