Did some research, but didn't find a solution.  All the following links
discuss a similar issue with not being able to find a service and in most
cases the error reports the service name truncated by one character.  One
was reporting the service name with extra characters. These date back to
2003 and maybe earlier.  

Some interesting discussions with some indicating a Windoze bug persisting
from Win2k thru WinXP  (and now vista)

Others report it is a long standing samba bug since 2.x....who knows.

One common thing near as I can tell is solutions are not identified.  

Many seem to ignore it, but the traffic and logs are putting quite a burden
on the system.

Again any thoughts are appreciated








-----Original Message-----
From: samba-boun...@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-boun...@lists.samba.org]
On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 6:50 PM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: Re: [Samba] Lots of smbd processes and connections?

Also, here is my config...

   workgroup = XNET2
   server string = Samba Server 
   hosts allow = 10.0.2., 127.
   guest account = guest
   interfaces = dc0
   log level = 2
   log file = /var/log/samba/%m-samba.log
   max log size = 500
   time server = Yes
   socket options = SO_RCVBUF=8192 SO_SNDBUF=8192
   security = user
   passdb backend = tdbsam
   dns proxy = no
   load printers = no
   printing = bsd
   printcap name = /dev/null
   disable spoolss = yes
   wins support = Yes

# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
#       Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT
;   wins server = w.x.y.z

#============================ Share Definitions
   comment = Home directory for %u on %h
   browseable = no
   writable = yes
   path = /usr/home/%u/Documents
   valid users = %S

   comment = Temporary file space
   path = /usr/samba-shares/tmp
   read only = no
   public = yes

   comment = Public Directory, r/w all users, guest owns all files
   path = /usr/samba-shares/public
   public = yes
   only guest = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no

   comment = Share Directory No. 1, Writable only by group wheel members
   path = /usr/samba-shares/file-server1
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   write list = @wheel

   comment = Share Directory No. 2, Writable only by group wheel members
   path = /usr/samba-shares/file-server2
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   write list = @wheel

   comment = Share Directory No. 3, Writable only by group wheel members
   path = /usr/samba-shares/file-server3
   public = yes
   writable = yes
   printable = no
   write list = @wheel

-----Original Message-----
From: samba-boun...@lists.samba.org [mailto:samba-boun...@lists.samba.org]
On Behalf Of Brian
Sent: Monday, October 26, 2009 6:34 PM
To: samba@lists.samba.org
Subject: [Samba] Lots of smbd processes and connections?

Checked up on my new 3.3.8 installation and found this after a vista
workstation was idle all day on the network

I forgot to save the smbstatus output but it was a long list of PIDs linked
to the workstation in question.

Also I restarted then stopped the server and all the processes stayed there.

12484 root          1 117    0 11388K  8080K CPU3   3   6:38 93.65% bzip2
  546 root          1  51    0  3184K   988K select 3  70:47 12.60% syslogd
12558 root          1  98    0 14624K  5628K RUN    3   0:06  9.57% smbd
 9540 root          1  98    0 14624K  5500K RUN    2  27:59  0.00% smbd
11658 root          1  98    0 14624K  5596K RUN    3  23:29  0.00% smbd
10785 root          1  98    0 14624K  5544K RUN    2  23:04  0.00% smbd
 9836 root          1 102    0 14624K  5492K RUN    2  22:56  0.00% smbd
11076 root          1  98    0 14624K  5540K RUN    0  21:43  0.00% smbd
10495 root          1  98    0 14624K  5544K RUN    0  21:28  0.00% smbd
11979 root          1  97    0 14624K  5608K RUN    0  19:53  0.00% smbd
10183 root          1  97    0 14624K  5504K RUN    2  13:26  0.00% smbd
11472 root          1  97    0 14624K  5588K RUN    0  12:21  0.00% smbd
10328 root          1  97    0 14624K  5516K RUN    0   7:45  0.00% smbd
11385 root          1  99    0 14624K  5568K RUN    2   7:27  0.00% smbd
10730 root          1  98    0 14624K  5536K RUN    0   4:06  0.00% smbd
 9472 root          1  98    0 14624K  5484K RUN    2   3:36  0.00% smbd
11932 root          1  98    0 14624K  5600K RUN    0   3:17  0.00% smbd
11609 root          1  98    0 14624K  5588K RUN    3   3:05  0.00% smbd
10085 root          1  99    0 14624K  5488K RUN    0   3:04  0.00% smbd
10129 root          1  98    0 14624K  5504K RUN    0   2:52  0.00% smbd
11029 root          1  98    0 14624K  5536K RUN    0   2:16  0.00% smbd
11904 root          1  98    0 14624K  5584K RUN    3   2:04  0.00% smbd
12246 root          1  98    0 14708K  5664K RUN    0   2:03  0.00% smbd
 9454 root          1  99    0 14624K  5448K RUN    2   1:54  0.00% smbd
 9172 root          1 100    0 14624K  5424K RUN    2   1:52  0.00% smbd
10441 root          1  98    0 14624K  5520K RUN    2   1:48  0.00% smbd
10475 root          1  97    0 14624K  5480K RUN    0   1:30  0.00% smbd
11340 root          1  98    0 14624K  5552K RUN    0   1:28  0.00% smbd
10420 root          1  97    0 14624K  5516K RUN    2   1:21  0.00% smbd
11309 root          1  98    0 14624K  5512K RUN    2   1:14  0.00% smbd
12207 root          1  97    0 14708K  5664K RUN    0   1:05  0.00% smbd
12195 root          1  98    0 14708K  5592K RUN    0   0:41  0.00% smbd
10175 root          1  97    0 14624K  5488K RUN    0   0:34  0.00% smbd
12220 root          1  97    0 14708K  5624K RUN    0   0:29  0.00% smbd
11377 root          1  97    0 14624K  5568K RUN    0   0:24  0.00% smbd
 3797 root          1  44    0  8428K  2656K select 3   0:24  0.00% sshd
11326 root          1  97    0 14624K  5528K RUN    0   0:21  0.00% smbd
 3867 root          1  44    0  8340K  4364K select 3   0:17  0.00% mc
 9533 root          1  97    0 14624K  5448K RUN    0   0:12  0.00% smbd
11067 root          1  98    0 14624K  5496K RUN    0   0:09  0.00% smbd
11371 root          1  97    0 14624K  5528K RUN    2   0:09  0.00% smbd
 9448 root          1  98    0 14624K  5448K RUN    2   0:04  0.00% smbd
 5945 root          1  44    0  4672K  1624K select 3   0:04  0.00% ntpd
  786 root          1  44    0  5876K  2440K select 0   0:02  0.00% sendmail
 3742 root          1  44    0  8428K  2656K select 2   0:02  0.00% sshd
 5732 bind          7   4    0 28916K 22612K kqread 2   0:01  0.00% named
 5886 dhcpd         1  44    0  3128K  1656K select 0   0:01  0.00% dhcpd
 3869 root          1   5    0  4396K  1780K ttyin  2   0:01  0.00% bash
  796 root          1   8    0  3212K   960K nanslp 2   0:00  0.00% cron
  790 smmsp         1  20    0  5876K  2192K pause  3   0:00  0.00% sendmail
 3801 root          1   8    0  4396K  1732K wait   3   0:00  0.00% bash
 3746 root          1   8    0  4396K  1652K wait   2   0:00  0.00% bash
12555 root          1  96    0 14428K  5428K select 2   0:00  0.00% smbd
12559 root          1  44    0  3496K  1496K CPU0   0   0:00  0.00% top
  487 root          1  44    0  1888K   428K select 0   0:00  0.00% devd
  780 root          1  44    0  5752K  2292K select 0   0:00  0.00% sshd
12549 root          1  50    0  9516K  3008K select 3   0:00  0.00% nmbd
12471 root          1   8    0  3128K   964K wait   0   0:00  0.00%

Ohh and I started getting this again.....this problem has come and gone
lately...its back now.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]: [2009/10/26 18:00:36,  0]
Oct 26 18:00:36 oldjunk smbd[12268]:   dadsdesktop ( couldn't
find service roo

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