On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 08:52:30PM -0500, Brian wrote:
> Sorry I don't think so....basically as you can see in my earlier
> post I tried a workaround by creating a share with the last character
> clipped off (in my case "roo").  Great news, the attempt to connect msgs
> are now gone, but my server is still being spammed
> I did some stats on my client with a "net statistics workstation"
> command and came up with:
>                             Bytes received 137,514 bytes/sec
>      Server Message Blocks (SMBs) received   1,302 SMB blocks/sec
>                          Bytes transmitted  95,329 bytes/sec
>   Server Message Blocks (SMBs) transmitted   1,302 SMB blocks/sec
> So the error msgs are gone, but the server is getting spammed with
> greater than 1000 SMB msg blocks per second while IDLE!  I don't 
> know what is "normal" but 1300 / sec sounds like a LOT!
> smbd is being a trooper though as it didn't drop one of them!
> Here is what top shows:
> last pid:  7417;  load averages:  6.22,  6.27,  6.
>  39 processes:  7 running, 32 sleeping
> CPU:  4.0% user,  0.0% nice, 29.5% system,  1.4% interrupt, 65.0% idle
> Mem: 36M Active, 606M Inact, 183M Wired, 110M Buf, 162M Free
> Swap: 1902M Total, 1902M Free
>  6848 root          1  66    0 14652K  8128K CPU0   2  33:00 30.37% smbd

That's crazy. Collect a wireshark trace or up the smbd log
to level 10 for a few seconds using smbcontrol and tell me
what the client is doing to spam the server like that ?

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