Yes, FreeBSD supports nsswitch and I tried getent passwd - the result is the
Maybe I should show my config files in my previous post, sorry:

(very similar to Chapter 7, example 7.7 and 7.8 of the Samba Guide)

# unix charset = LOCALE
workgroup = DOMAIN
realm = domain.local
server string = sambaserver.domain.local
security = ADS
username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
log level = 1
syslog = 0
log file = /var/log/samba/%m
max log size = 50
#printcap name = CUPS
#idmap backend = idmap_rid:DOMAIN=10000-100000000
idmap backend = rid
# ldap ssl = no
idmap uid = 10000-100000000
idmap gid = 10000-100000000
allow trusted domains = No
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
winbind refresh tickets = Yes
winbind nested groups = No

hosts allow = 192.168.1. 10.1.55.
interfaces = localhost, nfe0, tun*
bind interfaces only = Yes
case sensitive = No

comment = Public
path = /var/samba/pub
guest ok = No
browseable = Yes
nt acl support = Yes


group: files winbind
group_compat: nis
hosts: files dns
networks: files
passwd: files winbind
passwd_compat: nis
shells: files
services: compat
services_compat: nis
protocols: files
rpc: files

(I don't think I need this, I don't need AD users to access anything but
some samba shares with ACL, but I keep trying)

# auth
auth            sufficient             no_warn
auth            include         system
auth            sufficient      /usr/local/lib/

# account
account         requisite
account         required
account         include         system
account         sufficient      /usr/local/lib/

# session
session         include         system

# password
password        include         system

So I'm stil trying, but AD users do not appear in password or group
databases of FreeBSD.
Should I try LDAP?
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