Wasim Bashir wrote:
>I am having a weird issue with samba where once a week approximately at
>same time users will lose connectivity,
>if i run
>wbinfo -u  all users are displayed
>wbinfo -g all groups are displayed
>However running getent passwd only shows local-users, no remote users
>To fix the issue I have to change the name of my idmap config and
>samba and winbind and everything works fine for a week...
>Am I missing something obvious here ? I have attached my config below :
>        security = ads
>        max mux = 16384
>        log file  = /home/sites/samba-log/log.%m
>        ldap timeout = 45
>        ldap connection timeout = 30
>        max open files = 100000
>        realm =  merlin.internaloffice.co.uk
>        password server =
>        workgroup = WEBHOSTING
>        idmap backend = tdb
>        idmap uid = 500-2000000
>        idmap gid = 500-2000000
>        winbind enum users = yes
>        winbind enum groups = yes
>        template homedir = /home/sites/%U
>        template shell = /bin/bash
>        client use spnego = yes
>        client ntlmv2 auth = yes
>        encrypt passwords = yes
>        winbind use default domain = yes
>        winbind nss info = template rfc2307
>        restrict anonymous = 2
>                idmap config WEBHOSTING : schema_mode = rfc2307
>                idmap config WEBHOSTING : backend      = ad
>                idmap config WEBHOSTING : range        = 500 -
>hide dot files = no
>path = /home/sites
>read only = no
>dos filetime resolution = yes
>I am using samba 3.3.9, do we know whether this issue has been fixed in
>samba 3.4.x ?
>Any help greatly appreciated.

Could it be a network issue rather than Samba itself - a switch being
turned off briefly, IP address being refreshed, DNS issue - that breaks
the communication with kerberos or PDC?

I heard of one site whose network was interrupted at the same time each
day, which they eventually traced to a heavy delivery lorry crushing a
badly-installed underground cable.

"To err is human.  To purr, feline"

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