Running Samba 3.4.5 on Solaris 10 Sparc platform.  I can't seem to get rid
of the following errors:

log.b104d1:rlimit_max: rlimit_max (10020) below minimum Windows limit

I've tried adding "ulimit -n 16384" to the samba start scripts, but still
getting these errors.  Anyone know what I should do about this. Could these
errors cause slowness to the samba share for clients?

I got rid of the error by making the necessary change permanent. I entered the following line in "/etc/security/limits.conf":

* - nofile 16384

The warning previously given by "testparm" is now gone.

From "limits.conf"'s header:


- the wildcard *, for default entry
- nofile - max number of open files

End of quote»

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