Someone please say it isn't so. I'm running Samba 2.2.7 on Linux, compiled from source. I use CUPS for my printing needs and I have samba setup to load printers.
I'm having 2 problems:

1) if I add a new printer to CUPS (which in turn adds it to /etc/printcap) it doesn't show up in Samba. I've tried to -HUP the smbd process to get the printer to show up and that didn't work.

Here are my relevent settings in smb.conf

printcap name = lpstat
load printers = yes
printing = cups

The only think I've found that works is restarting samba, this is a terrible solution for me because if I restart Samba, which is acting as my PDC. My Windows 2K Server, running SQL Server can no longer authenticate users and I have to restart that box to get it to work again.

Is there another solution PLEASE!!! Having to restart samba to see a new printer just seems plain silly to me.

2) Even thought I have samba setup to print using this command:

print command = /usr/bin/lpr -P %p -o raw %s -J'%J' -r

It doesn't seem to be removing the jobs out of my /var/spool/samba directory when they are complete, any Ideas why?

Comments, Suggestions, all help appreciated.

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