I am running Samba 2.2.7.
(Resending this, John, because I failed to reply back to the list, properly.)


-Aaron McCaleb

>On Wed, 11 Dec 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Suggest you update to samba-2.2.7a if running a version earlier than
>- John T.
>> OK, I've tried to "read the fine material" and have read more than one reference 
>and more than a few
>> months worth of threads in the archives, but I am still stumped with this issue.
>> When using logging on with Win9x, there is a profile error #4, and it complains 
>that it was not able to 
>> or create a file in the \\regmain\[username]\.profile\Cookies folder on login and 
>sign out.
>> On Win XP, it says "The network name is no longer available" even when trying to 
>join the domain, or if 
>> manage to get a machine to join the domain, then while it is searching for the 
>server copy of the profile.
>> I'm still fighting to get the errors consistent enough to track down further than 
>that, but that's where I 
>> right now.
>> I have profiles chmod to 1777, I have also tried creating the profile directories 
>by hand, or using the 
>> profile" script, as noted in another source.  I have made sure to chown to the 
>user, where appropriate.
>> Here is my smb.conf:
>> # Samba config file created using SWAT (But heavily tweaked from there)
>> # from (
>> # Date: 2002/12/11 15:40:00
>> # Global parameters
>> [global]
>> ; Basic server settings
>>      workgroup = REEDNET
>>      netbios name = REGMAIN
>> ; we should act as the domain and local master browser
>>      os level = 65
>>      domain master = yes
>>      local master = yes
>>      preferred master = yes
>> ; security settings (must use security = user [but it's the default] )
>> ; encrypted passwords are a requirement for a PDC
>>      encrypt passwords = yes
>> ; support domain logons
>>      domain logons = yes
>> ; where to store user profiles?
>>      logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
>> ; where is a user's home directory and where should it
>> ; be mounted at?
>>      logon drive = x:
>>      logon home = \\%L\%U\.profile
>> ; needed for win9x profiles
>>      preserve case = yes
>>      short preserve case = yes
>>      case sensitive = no
>> ; specify a generic logon script for all users
>> ; this is a relative **DOS** path to (from) the [netlogon] share
>>      logon script = logon.bat
>> ; specific password (lack of) requirements for Reed Engineering Group
>>      min passwd length = 0
>>      null passwords = yes
>>      passwd program = /usr/bin/passwd -u %u
>>      unix password sync = yes
>> ; Logging options
>>      log level = 3
>>      log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
>>      max log size = 50
>> ; Tuning options
>>      deadtime = 15
>>      keepalive = 0
>> ; Special users and handlers
>>      domain admin group = root amccaleb
>>      message command = /bin/mail -s 'message from %f on %m' root < %s; rm %s
>>      hide local users = no
>>      admin users = root amccaleb
>>      wins support = yes
>> [homes]
>>      path = %H
>>      valid users = %S
>>      read only = no
>>      guest ok = no
>>      create mask = 0777
>>      directory mask = 0777
>>      browseable = yes
>>      level2 oplocks = yes
>>      dos filetimes = yes
>> ; share for storing nt/2k/xp user profiles
>> [profiles]
>>      path=/srv/profiles
>>      read only = no
>>      create mask = 0777
>>      directory mask = 0777
>>      nt acl support = no
>>      browseable = yes
>> ; required for logon server
>> [netlogon]
>>      path = /srv/netlogon
>>      read only = yes
>>      write list = root amccaleb
>John H Terpstra

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