I want to add Win7 machine to my Samba PDC with WinXP clients. Google tells me 
I have to add a .V2 to my profiles. The samba log ask about a .v2 share.
Can someone explain me the difference of the v2 extension at the profile names 
and the roaming profile share?
Following my settings:

        logon path = \\%L\nt-profile
        logon home = \\%L\nt-profile

        comment = Client Profiles
        path = /BUERO/samba/nt-profile/%u
        read only = No
        create mask = 0600
        directory mask = 0700

        comment = Client Profiles
        path = /BUERO/samba/nt-profile/%u
        read only = No
        create mask = 0600
        directory mask = 0700

ls -l /BUERO/samba/nt-profile
drwsrwsr-x 24 kira     users  4096 2010-04-03 16:16 kira
drwxr-sr-x  2 kira     users  4096 2010-04-02 18:59 kira.V2

These are 2 empty profiles.
I logged on to user kira with an XP client, set the background colour to green 
and logged of. Profile kira was filled with data. Now I logged on to user kira 
with an Win7 client, the background was black. I set the background to yellow 
and logged of. The profile kira.V2 is still empty. Finally I logged on to kira 
with XP and the background was yellow. So Win7 and XP are using the same 
profile, which should be if I understand "mr. google" right. I thought I just 
had to copy the roaming profiles to a profile with extension .V2.

I found following in the samba log during Win7 logon:
get_referred_path: |nt-profile.V2| in dfs path \testserver\nt-profile.V2 is not 
a dfs root.
Connect path is '/BUERO/samba/nt-profile/kira' for service [nt-profile.v2]
connect to service nt-profile.v2 initially as user kira (uid=524, gid=100) (pid 
reduce_name [.] [/BUERO/samba/nt-profile/kira]

Further, there is a reference to nt-profile.V2 (uppercase V2) and next a 
connect to nt-profile.v2 (lowercase v2). What is the difference? Finally, the 
profile kira is used and not kira.V2. Why?

Can someone explain me the correct setup of samba for Win7 clients?

regards robert
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