On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 21:59 -0700, Kevin Keane wrote:
> Exactly WHY do you need AD instead of NT domains? Without
> understanding that, I don't think your question can be answered. In
> some cases, you can use a stand-alone Kerberos and/or LDAP server. Or
> conversely, some application you use may require a Microsoft AD
> server, sometimes even a specific version.
> Basically, your tradeoff is between cost and risk. Windows 2008 R2 is
> all but guaranteed to work no matter what AD issue you throw at it,
> but it can get expensive, especially if you have many users.
> On the other hand, Samba is free, but Samba 4 is pretty unproven at
> this point.

I would strongly contradict your assertion that Samba4 is unproven.
Could you please try Samba4 before you comment on it with such

We are still at the alpha stage, but given the very real production use
I've personally assisted administrators with, I can attest that it does
really work.  


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Cisco Inc.

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