On 09/06/10 03:31 AM, Daniel Müller wrote:
> Hello,
> Your VPN does not pass through Netbios.
> What kind of VPN are you using? Openvpn does netbios
> Pass trough.

I am using OpenVPN. Sorry for not specifying it earlier.

> Did You "interfaces=IPinyour192.168.0.0/24 IPinyour172.16.15.0/24..."
> In your smb.conf to make samba send browselists in your net??

Here is what I have at present in my smb.conf regarding this:
interfaces =
hosts allow =
hosts deny =

Also, when I restart samba, I get the following line in nmdb.log:
create_subnets: Waiting for an interface to appear ...

With the above settings, I can mount the share using smbmount from a VPN
client but still cannot see or browse the share via Gnome's Network GUI
(clicking on Windows Network gives nothing). This is in contrast to
using the client on wired network ( In this case I see
the shares from GUI without any problems.

So Samba shares browsing works from a wired LAN client but not from a
VPN client on the wireless LAN.



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