John Drescher <drescherjm <at>> writes:

> > -  Don't use RAID5 for your /boot or OS slices.      If your raid
> > configuration gets messed up the system can't boot.   A messed up mirror is
> > easier to recover from.  RAID5 for your data is OK-  since at that point the
> > OS is up and running.     Some of my colleagues argue you shouldn't even use
> > a mirror for your /boot partition, but instead should just back it up to
> > another disk.
> >
> At work I usually RAID 1 my 256 MB /boot with all the hard drives that
> are also in the raid5/6 arrays. This is usually 6 to 10 drives. On top
> of that I keep the OS on its own smaller raid 5/6. So my partitions on
> every disk are usually
> boot raid 1 (over all disks)
> swap (seperate swap on all disks)
> root raid (raid 5/6 over all disks)
> data raid (raid 5/6 over all disks)
> on top of the data raid I usually use lvm for simpler partitioning and
> spanning across a second raid if I choose to do that in the future.
> John

Gaiseric Vandal <gaiseric.vandal <at>> writes:

Thanks for help Gaiseric

Probably you misunderstood me Gaiseric.

I put 3 ware controller with new disks to test machine (gigabyte mobo). I have
installed Cenots with samba on raid 5 on this controller and I want to move this
discs with controller to server machine (Intel Server Board SE7320SP2) 
Will linux (centos ) boot ??? 

I know that is 2 different motherboards so Anaconda will have to detect new
hardware and install appropriate drivers.

Another questions are:
- what filesystem will be most efficient ext2,ext3,ext4 or xfs ?
- what partition scheme use:
- sda - 3xWDC RE3 1GB -RAID5 / /boot /var/ /home (on home partition will be data
of samba users store)
- sdb - 3xWDC RE3 1GB /mnt/scans (on this partition will be stored scans (.tif)
the data for a large increase in)

So I do not understand your sentences:
"Don't use RAID5 for your /boot or OS slices.      If your raid 
> configuration gets messed up the system can't boot."
Can you explain it ?? How to install boot when I have 6 disc (3 disc per raid5

I dont' want to compile samba. I would like to use .rpm from centos or epel
repos and update samba via yum. Is there any version compatibile with Win 7 in
this repos ???

- Where can I find changes beetwen samba Version 3.0.28a-1.fc7 and this from
centos 5.5 repo ?

- How to set test machine to BDC (to copy user tdbsam and policies from PDC and
migrate to PDC ???) 
I understand that the domain SID will remain the same and do not have to re-add
clients to domain ?

There is my config form fedora 7 

# Global parameters
        workgroup = geodezja
        server string = Samba Server %v
        interfaces =
        bind interfaces only = Yes
;       encrypt passwords = yes
        update encrypted = Yes
        client ntlmv2 auth = yes
        log level = 2 vfs:3 auth:2 passdb:3
        log file = /var/log/samba/%U.%m.log
;       max log size = 5000
        socket options = TCP_NODELAY SO_SNDBUF=8192 SO_RCVBUF=8192
;       load printers = yes
;       printing = cups
        printcap name = cups
#       cups options = raw

        logon script = %G.CMD

        logon path = 
        logon home = 
        domain logons = yes
        os level = 128
        preferred master = yes
        domain master = yes
        local master = yes

        remote browse sync = none
        remote announce = none
        dns proxy = No
        wins support = yes
        name resolve order = wins bcast host
        hosts allow =
        hosts deny = ALL
;       unix password sync = no
        security = user
;       password level = 0
;       null passwords = no
        deadtime = 0
        map to guest = never
        create mask = 0777
        nt acl support = no
        time server = yes
        enable privileges = yes
        passdb backend = tdbsam
        username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
        hide dot files = yes
        guest ok = no
        name cache timeout = 60
        comment = Home Directories
        public = yes
;       available = yes
        browseable = no
        writable = yes
        force create mode = 0775

        comment = drukarki
        path = /var/spool/samba
        browseable = no
;       guest ok = no
;       writable = Yes
        printable = yes

        comment = Printer Drivers
        path = /etc/samba/drivers
;       browseable = yes
;       guest ok = no
        writable = yes
        write list = @domadm, root, hubert,
        admin users = hubert

        comment = Mapa Numeryczna
#       level2oplocks = no
;       locking = yes
        invalid users = @geodeta,@ewidencja,
        write list = @geo
        path = /home/samba/geo
        force group = geo
        force create mode = 0777
        vfs object = recycle full_audit
        recycle:repository = .recycle/%U
        recycle:touch = true
        recycle:keeptree = true
        recycle:versions = false
        recycle:exclude = *.TMP *.STP
        recycle:directory_mode = 773
        full_audit:prefix = %u|%m|%I|%S
        full_audit:success = read pwrite write rename unlink rmdir mkdir lock 
        full_audit:failure = read write

        browseable = no
;       available = yes
        path = /home/samba/netlogon
        write list = hubert

        browseable = no
        path = /home/samba/profile
        writable = yes
        create mask = 0777

        create mode = 0777
        hosts deny = korytarz1, korytarz2, g1, g2, g3, g4
;       browseable = yes
        writable = yes
        invalid users = @geodeta,@ewidencja,@zud,
        path = /home/samba/wykonawcy
        directory mask = 0777

Please Help

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