Hi all,

I've setup samba4 according to the samba4 wiki on centOS 5.4 in KVM.
This went without any problems. I only had to install a higher version of
bind to 9.6.x because Centos bind in repo will install version 9.3.x.
I've used the Fedora12 source rpms for this to build bind 9.6.x on Centos

Then I configured bind according to the samba wiki

I did all the check in the wiki to see if bind is working. All tests passed.
But in my logs a got the messages "The working directory is not writable".
I changed the owner on /var/named to the group named, which solved that

Then i installed Win7 virtual in KVM and joined the domain. I can login,
create users via dsa.msc tool on windows and see them in wbinfo -u on the
samba4 domain controller. All looks right, except for my ddns. The zone
could not be updated with the new win7 machine. The win7 machine has a
fixed ip-address.

I checked all the howto again and again, but couldn't find a thing which
could cause this. The error I see in my log is:

Aug 11 09:34:46 sambaserver named[2281]: client
query 'roland.quinox.be/SOA/IN' denied

Is this a permission problem? I check and the group 'named' has write
access to my zone file. (the user 'named' is member of the group 'named')

This is the only issue I have with my samba4 installation and I really
want to solve this issue.

If you need more information or configurations, i can post them.

Kind regards,


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