knows more about that windows 7 - samba 3.5.4 - ldap problem

than pleaaassse state something...

Hi Martin,

I'm afraid that I don't any information to offer you.  But I want to add
that our setup is very similar to yours.  Samba DC with an OpenLDAP
backend (except our version of Samba is 3.4.8).  Client machines are a mix
of Windows XP and Windows 7.  And we are seeing the same error messages in
the logs.  Your comment regarding changing the domain admin username and
password is troubling.  I'll have to see if we have the same issue on


Hello Brian!

Thats one of my big problems with that issue of windows7 and samba - no one has really at least a good explanation
whats happening here ..

(Unfortunately it is not the the only problem with win 7 - roaming profile behaviour makes me cracy ... but that is another story)

I don't really know the consequences of the machine recjects - the users can work normally, what I do see is that sometimes domain admin password changes are not propagated to that machines and that the windows 7 firewall is not recognizing the net as "Domain network". I think that the machine password change (the automatic change) failure - clients loose there trustship
- can have to do with that problem.
But thats "all" impactes, beside the fact that the machine is not in the domain because the controller refuses it.

I will try to play around with the "LAN Manager authentication level" and "Minium session security for NTLM SSP" tomorrow ( - maybe these two GP settings
have an impact on that.
(My last suspision is, that win7 is doing the machine authentication in a different [encryption)] way as the XP machine are doing
that as XP machines do not have that problem)

The other thing is, that I had a little conversation with Greg Dickie who is running obviously the same setting as I do and he solved the problems by simply making the ldap client entries visible to the linux system as normal users
(getent passwd) ... but I do have this settings since I am using samba-ldap.
Second story is that I read a few times on some boards in the net, that this issue maybe related to samba-ldap combinations only - what make me think that something is wrong about the way passwords are stored in ldap.

So, enough of my thoughts to that problem - maybe my ideas to that could help someone leading us to
solve that problem


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