Thanks but no thanks.  I've got literally hundreds of users.  As I write this message 
there are 424 unique users using my samba server.  I don't want hundreds and hundreds 
of little log files.  I want one BIG log file.

It should be no-brainer, in the [global] section of smb.conf I have:

log level = 1
max log size = 0

But, no matter what I set "max log size" to, be it 0 or a big number, it is always 
ignored and the log.smbd is always ended at 5 Meg.

I doubt I'm going to get any support, you'll all write and say "it works fine for me" 
or "you must be doing something wrong" but oh well.  In fact, when I did a little 
digging into it a while back running samba on my workstation which is also 
Sparc/Solaris the parameter did in fact seem to work ok.  But that was with a basic 
smb.conf and a load of 1 user (me) testing from my Windows 2000 box.

It just doesn't work on my server.  :(

I guess, all I'm asking is that if anybody else has seen this problem, please speak up.

Tom Schaefer

> You might try setting in your smb.conf [globals]:
>       log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
>       max log size = 100
>       log level = 1
> Should keep the log file < 100 Kb per client.
> This works for me.
> - John T.
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