
I am hoping someone can point out what I am doing wrong, I am upgrading samba 
from 3.0.37 to 3.5.6 and running into
trouble with idmapping using ADS security.  I have multiple linux boxes running 
3.0.37 and when I execute getent passwd
I get:

# getent passwd DOMAIN+gregorcy
gregorcy:*:2933:1013:Brian Gregorcy:/home/DOMAIN/gregorcy:/bin/bash

on all the boxes running 3.0.37.

On my new box running 3.5.6 I get:

# getent passwd DOMAIN+gregorcy

Which is not what I had hoped for.  Both machines are joined to my domain and 
allow me to ssh into them using my AD
cred, just the uid & gid are not lining up.

My 3.0.37 smb.conf

> [global]
>         workgroup                       = DOMAIN
>         netbios name                    = harley
>         realm                           = DOMAIN.UTAH.EDU
>         server string                   = harley
>         security                        = ADS
>         preferred master                = no
>         client use spnego               = yes
>         server signing                  = auto
>         encrypt passwords               = yes
>         nt acl support                  = yes
>         acl map full control            = yes
>         socket options                  = TCP_NODELAY SO_RCVBUF=8192 
> SO_SNDBUF=8192
>         template shell                  = /bin/false
>         password server                 = *
>         log level                       = 3
>         log file                        = /var/log/samba/%m
>         max log size                    = 100
>         preferred master                = No
>         dns proxy                       = No
>         wins server                     =
>         winbind cache time              = 0
>         winbind nested groups           = yes
>         allow trusted domains           = No
>         idmap backend                   = rid:KPAK=500-100000000
>         idmap uid                       = 500-100000000
>         idmap gid                       = 500-100000000
>         template shell                  = /bin/bash
>         winbind use default domain      = Yes
>         winbind separator               = +
>         winbind enum users              = yes
>         winbind enum groups             = yes
>         winbind use default domain      = yes
>         obey pam restrictions           = yes

My 3.5.6 smb.conf

> [global]
>         workgroup                       = DOMAIN
>         netbios name                    = vwww3
>         realm                           = DOMAIN.UTAH.EDU
>         server string                   = web3
>         security                        = ADS
>         preferred master                = no
>         client use spnego               = yes
>         server signing                  = auto
>         encrypt passwords               = yes
>         nt acl support                  = yes
>         acl map full control            = yes
>         wide links                      = no
>         password server                 = *
>         log level                       = 3
>         log file                        = /var/log/samba/%m
>         max log size                    = 100
>         wins server                     =
>         winbind offline logon            = yes
>         idmap domains = default, domain.utah.edu
>         idmap config default: default = yes
>         idmap config domain.utah.edu: range = 500-100000000
>         idmap config domain.utah.edu: backend = ad
>         idmap alloc backend = tdb
>         idmap uid = 500-100000000
>         idmap gid = 500-100000000
>         winbind separator               = +
>         winbind use default domain      = yes
>         winbind enum users              = yes
>         winbind enum groups             = yes
>         winbind refresh tickets         = yes
>         winbind nested groups           = yes
>         client ntlmv2 auth              = yes
>         encrypt passwords               = yes
>         template shell                  = /bin/bash
>         allow trusted domains           = yes

Thanks for any help,

Brian Gregorcy
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