it's a text file, even a text editor "rewrites the file" when you save
it.  it's how it has to be done.
if you care what the file looks like, why are you using a gui?  or are
you saying it rewrites part of it wrong?  file a bug report?

You didn't understand what the OP meant. SWAT rewrites the file in the sense that it reorders entries and discards all custom comments the file may have. Often sysadmins need the comments to later understand why some entries are there or why they are configured in that particular way.

So, if you have a carefully customized smb.conf and you use SWAT to change some optiin from "yes" to "no", all of the file entries are reordered and all comments discarded. Not very nice, is it?

The problem is acknowledged by the Samba team and they are talking about the need for a SWAT2.

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