Dear all,


I have a client who uses Samba 3.0.28 on AIX 5.3 and he is running into
problems with the cpu utilization which is 100% caused by one or more
smbd processes.

I found out that this problem should be solved in version 3.0.37 and
want to know if there is a way to get the bff-file of this version.


I am not able to compile samba myself on the machine which has the
problem and I am also not able to upgrade samba to a higher version,
because this client uses Active Directory for authentication and many
employees are in more than 128 Active Directory groups. The newer samba
versions are checking on this limit and as a result these employees
cannot access the shares.


Is there somebody who can help me with this?


Kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet,
Frank van Bergenhenegouwen


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