On Thu, Feb 03, 2011 at 11:50:12PM +0900, TAKAHASHI Motonobu wrote:
2011/2/3  <fdel...@rojatex.com>:
> I dont want to use root to join clients to the domain; i prefer creating a
> plain user.

As Cristian said, using user-rights is the only way that does not user
root to join.

> Im currently using an english book to setup my samba server, and im having
> problems understanding it.
> So i wonder, why srvadmins group is needed to be granted privileges?
> Ok, so, is this really usefull? why do i need 3 kind of users to be able
> to join to the domain?

No, I think that the book shows these 3 users only as an "example".
And you know, net groupmap command itself does not grant the rights to
add machines to the domain.

Remember that you should create "domain admins" group to keep
compatibility with Windows.

TAKAHASHI Motonobu <mo...@monyo.com>
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