Hi everyone ,

I have setup a new Server, based on Ubuntu Linux.
Since the Samba version from it's repository was too old for my purposes, I 
downloaded and installed Samba from source (version 3.5.8). Everything went 
fine so far.

We currently run an older version (3.0.26a) of samba as PDC .

I copied the tdbsam databases from the current PDC over to the new one. This 
seems to have worked very well, since all users and computeraccounts were 
accessible by pdbedit. I could also logon with my old credentials, too! My 
password was accepted, my roaming profile was read and written correctly, etc. 
All seems very good.

Now to the problem:
I asked two collegues of mine to try their logins with a Windows Server 2008 
R2 and an Windows 7 system. They can login, but become immediately logged off 
again. They not even see the Desktop for a short time. This was tested on 
several Windows 7 and Server 2008 Systems now and it happens everywhere. I can 
logon with my user without a problem on any system.

I cannot find anything relevant in the logs, but that doesn't have to mean 
much, since this seems very cryptic to me. I tried and googled for three days 
now! Could please anyone assist me with this issue?

You can find two Logfiles in the attached archive. One's named Success.log and 
the other one Failing.log.
The PDC is named "thalos". The Windows 2008 R2 machine from which the two 
logins are done is named "gollum". The Domain is named MFC2.
The user who succeedes is named "mr" and the one which is failing is named 

I could really need help here ...

Best regards,
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