On Jul 14, 2011, at 7:13 AM, Gaiseric Vandal wrote:

> On 07/14/2011 01:21 AM, Ben Sigman wrote:
>> After upgrading to 3.4.0, I can no longer add new users. Any users that were 
>> added beforehand work fine. Any users that I attempt to create cannot login 
>> (error: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE). I was able to get one new user account to 
>> work (see below), but I cannot add any new users.
>> The server is Ubuntu 9.10 running Samba 3.4.0.
>> I am using:
>> security = user
>> pam password change = yes
>> Updating passwords for existing users using passwd successfully updates on 
>> smbpass (auth.log):
>> Jul 13 21:19:05 server passwd[3026]: pam_smbpass(passwd:chauthtok): password 
>> for (smbuser/1001) changed by (root/0)
>> ...And authentication over smb works (auth.log):
>> Jul 13 21:42:53 server smbd[3684]: pam_unix(samba:session): session opened 
>> for user ben by (uid=0)
>> ...In samba.log:
>> [2011/07/13 21:42:53,  4] auth/auth_sam.c:137(sam_account_ok)
>>   sam_account_ok: Checking SMB password for user smbuser
>> [2011/07/13 21:42:53,  5] auth/auth.c:297(check_ntlm_password)
>>   check_ntlm_password:  PAM Account for user [ben] succeeded
>> However, if I do:
>> smbpasswd -x user
>> Failed to find entry for user smbuser.
>> If I add a new user using:
>> useradd newuser
>> passwd newuser
>> smbpasswd -a newuser
>> This appears in auth.log:
>> Jul 13 21:20:07 server passwd[3033]: pam_smbpass(passwd:chauthtok): Failed 
>> to find entry for user newuser.
>> And if I attempt to authenticate (samba.log):
>> [2011/07/13 21:50:11,  3] auth/auth_sam.c:282(check_sam_security)
>>   check_sam_security: Couldn't find user 'newuser' in passdb.
>> [2011/07/13 21:50:11,  5] auth/auth.c:274(check_ntlm_password)
>>   check_ntlm_password: sam authentication for user [newuser] FAILED with 
>> [2011/07/13 21:50:11,  2] auth/auth.c:320(check_ntlm_password)
>>   check_ntlm_password:  Authentication for user [newuser] ->  [newuser] 
>> Now... Here's where it gets interesting. At this point, I converted my 
>> smbpasswd containing newuser to tdb...:
>> pdbedit -i smbpasswd -e tdbsam
>> ...the account newuser now authenticate over SMB. However, adding any other 
>> new users is still not working.
>> I have attempted to repeat the steps described above for adding a user and 
>> then converting smbpasswd to tdb again, but to no avail.
>> I have not defined passdb backend in smb.conf.
>> Anyone know what could be causing this?
> Did you check the output of "testparm -v" to make sure the password backend 
> and password file is where you expect it to be?
> Did you try adding a user with "pdbedit" instead?
> Can you type "which smbpasswd" "which pdbedit" etc -  I suspect you are using 
> "smbpasswd" command from the "old" version of samba.

Thanks for the reply. You're right, the documentation I had read said that 
smbpasswd would work with the new tdb backend. Can I not use it?

For now, here are the outputs you requested:

>From testparm:

        passdb backend = tdbsam
        idmap backend = tdb
        idmap alloc backend = 

>From which:


Maybe this will help, smbuser is a new user on my system who cannot 
authenticate over SMB. When I try to use smbpasswd  -a -D10 smbuser I get an 
error in the middle of the output that says: 

Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [smbuser]!

Here is the full output:

[root@server:/]# smbpasswd -a -D10 smbuser                                      
                                             (07-14 13:26)
Netbios name list:-
Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam_compat
Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam_compat'
Attempting to register passdb backend NDS_ldapsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'NDS_ldapsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend NDS_ldapsam_compat
Successfully added passdb backend 'NDS_ldapsam_compat'
Attempting to register passdb backend smbpasswd
Successfully added passdb backend 'smbpasswd'
Attempting to register passdb backend tdbsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'tdbsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend wbc_sam
Successfully added passdb backend 'wbc_sam'
Attempting to find a passdb backend to match tdbsam (tdbsam)
Found pdb backend tdbsam
pdb backend tdbsam has a valid init
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
tdbsam_open: successfully opened /etc/samba/passdb.tdb
pdb_set_username: setting username smbuser, was 
pdb_set_domain: setting domain SERVER, was 
pdb_set_nt_username: setting nt username , was 
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name , was 
pdb_set_homedir: setting home dir \\server\homes\%u, was 
pdb_set_dir_drive: setting dir drive m:, was NULL
Finding user smbuser
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is smbuser
Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [smbuser]!
pdb_set_logon_script: setting logon script users.bat, was 
pdb_set_profile_path: setting profile path \\server\profiles\%u, was 
pdb_set_workstations: setting workstations , was 
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_user_sid: setting user sid S-1-5-21-115255976-287349760-2125325791-1011
setting user sid S-1-5-21-115255976-287349760-2125325791-1011 from rid 1011
account_policy_get: name: maximum password age, val: -1
Finding user smbuser
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is smbuser
Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [smbuser]!
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_username: setting username smbuser, was 
pdb_set_domain: setting domain SERVER, was 
pdb_set_nt_username: setting nt username , was 
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name , was 
pdb_set_homedir: setting home dir \\server\homes\%u, was 
pdb_set_dir_drive: setting dir drive m:, was NULL
Finding user smbuser
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is smbuser
Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [smbuser]!
pdb_set_logon_script: setting logon script users.bat, was 
pdb_set_profile_path: setting profile path \\server\profiles\%u, was 
pdb_set_workstations: setting workstations , was 
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_user_sid: setting user sid S-1-5-21-115255976-287349760-2125325791-1011
setting user sid S-1-5-21-115255976-287349760-2125325791-1011 from rid 1011
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_username: setting username smbuser, was 
pdb_set_domain: setting domain SERVER, was 
pdb_set_nt_username: setting nt username , was 
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name , was 
pdb_set_homedir: setting home dir \\server\homes\%u, was 
pdb_set_dir_drive: setting dir drive m:, was NULL
Finding user smbuser
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is smbuser
Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [smbuser]!
pdb_set_logon_script: setting logon script users.bat, was 
pdb_set_profile_path: setting profile path \\server\profiles\%u, was 
pdb_set_workstations: setting workstations , was 
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_user_sid: setting user sid S-1-5-21-115255976-287349760-2125325791-1011
setting user sid S-1-5-21-115255976-287349760-2125325791-1011 from rid 1011
account_policy_get: name: maximum password age, val: -1
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
Storing account smbuser with RID 1011
Locking key 555345525F736D627573
Allocated locked data 0x0x28ea050
Unlocking key 555345525F736D627573
tdb_update_sam: Updating key for RID 1011
Locking key 5249445F303030303033
Allocated locked data 0x0x28e6ad0
Unlocking key 5249445F303030303033

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