LDAP Account Manager (LAM) 3.5.0.RC1 - July 22nd, 2011

LAM is a web frontend for managing accounts stored in an LDAP directory.


The General Information module shows internal data about LDAP entries
and LAM is now capable to manage LDAP quota entries (Linux Disk Quota).
Home directories may be created/deleted for existing accounts. The
server information includes data from cn=monitor.
LAM Pro users can create automount maps and use ppolicy to lock accounts.

This is a test release. Please do not install it in your production
environment. Please report any bugs until 2011-08-05.

Full changelog:





* management of various account types
 * Unix
 * Samba 3
 * Kolab 2
 * Asterisk
 * phpGroupwWare
 * Zarafa
 * SSH keys
* profiles for account creation
* account creation via file upload
* automatic creation/deletion of home directories
* setting quotas
* PDF output for all accounts
* editor for organizational units
* schema browser
* tree view
* multiple configuration files
* multi-language support: Catalan, Chinese (Traditional + Simplified),
  Czech, Dutch, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese,
  Polish, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish
* support for LDAP+SSL/TLS

Demo installation:

You can try our demo installation online.



If you find a bug please file a bug report. For questions or
implementing new features please use the mailinglist and feature request
tracker at our homepage http://www.ldap-account-manager.org.

Authors & Copyright:

Copyright (C) 2003 - 2011:
Roland Gruber <p...@rolandgruber.de>

LAM is published under the GNU General Public License.
The complete list of licenses can be found in the copyright file.
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instructions:  https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba

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