From: raj kernel <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2011 18:35:16 +0530

> I have configured samba server on a Linux machine. My smb.conf for the samba
> share is as follows:
> [data1]
> path = /mnt/data1
> guest ok = yes
> public = yes
> writable  = yes
> read only = no
> create mode = 0777
> directory mode = 0777
> printable = no
> I have created two subdir's 'private' and 'public' under /mnt/data1. public
> has all access permissions '777', but private has only read permissions.
> I am able to write/create files to both 'public' as well as 'private'
> directory when these shares are accessed from Windows7 machine. Write/create
> operation has to be denied for 'private' dir as it only has 'read'
> permission enabled, but it's not denied, file write/create operation still
> succeeds :(
> Could someone help me what am I missing?
> Do I need to add ACL support to my file system and samba for the
> directory/read permissions to work?

It seems that your "data1" configuration is not bad.
Show the result of "ls -la /mnt/data1" and your global section.

TAKAHASHI Motonobu <>
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