Gaiseric Vandal pisze:
Maybe you should also copy the "private" directory from the old to the new server. That may include the machine password used by the samba server to connect to the domain.

Run "testparm -v" on both servers. Are both servers samba version of samba?

So maybe I will answer to my own question sharing my little knowledge.

The old server has Samba 3.0.14 and the new one 3.5.6.
What worked for me?
1. Migrated the group/user id mappings (winbind) from old to new server
on old server:
net idmap dump /var/lib/samba/winbindd_idmap.tdb > idmap_dump.txt
on new one:
net idmap restore idmap_dump.txt
net cache flush
restart samba/winbindd
Now I have the same mappings on both servers, so I don't care about migrating them. Just simple cp/tar or whatever.
2. Copy smb.conf (check it, it is upgrade anyway)
3. Copy the files
tar cf - . | ssh r...@xx.xx.xx.xx 'cd /home/samba; tar xf -'
3.a surfing the web/watching films....
4. For the purpose of international characters only
convmv -f iso-8859-2 -t utf8 --notest -r user_files
5. Prepare the actual join of new server.
on old server:
net ads leave -U Administrator
(as of samba 3.0.14 I had to delete the machine AD account manually)
on new one:
change its name (/etc/hostname, mailname...)
update DHCP server (if in use)
net ads join -U Administrator
(if failed, try kdestroy its Kerberos stuff)
net ads testjoin

It should work.
Now check (double check) if the ACLs are ok. I had some minor (quickly repaired it) problems with group rights. somehow instead of rwx I had rx only. But users had problems so the bothered me with phones ;-).

The windows disk mappings worked fine if they were mapped in AD login scripts like that (most of the mapping in my situation):
net use m: \\server\%UserName% /PERSISTENT:NO
if they were manually mapped it required manual intervention

So as you can see the only mysterious thing is transfering the group/user id mappings, and fortunately it worked as expected.

I hope the it would help others with similar task.

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