I have just replaced an old FC9 server with a new FC14 server as the old one 
died.  Before it died I was having trouble authenticating connections to it.

Now I have the new server running I'm still suffering the same problem.  
Setting up a user and setting the password gives no errors, but then 
connections fail complaining about the password. It is very much a virgin 
vanilla setup. All I have done is config the network and Samba. I even 
disabled selinux in case that was the problem.

I've tried connecting from Win-XP clients which are the computers that need 
access. I've also tried connecting from my linux laptop and the server 

Can someone please have a quick look and see what I've missed / done wrong.

Googling has come up with loads of hits, but nothing I can follow to get a 


[root@zeppo samba]# smbclient //zeppo/gary -U gary
Enter gary's password: 
Domain=[MOTORPARK] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.11-79.fc14]
Server not using user level security and no password supplied.
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
[root@zeppo samba]# 

[root@dcomp5 ~]# smbclient //zeppo/gary
Enter root's password: 
Domain=[MOTORPARK] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 3.5.11-79.fc14]
Server not using user level security and no password supplied.
tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_WRONG_PASSWORD
[root@dcomp5 ~]# 

Setting the password:

[root@zeppo samba]# smbpasswd -D 10 gary
Netbios name list:-
Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend ldapsam_compat
Successfully added passdb backend 'ldapsam_compat'
Attempting to register passdb backend NDS_ldapsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'NDS_ldapsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend NDS_ldapsam_compat
Successfully added passdb backend 'NDS_ldapsam_compat'
Attempting to register passdb backend smbpasswd
Successfully added passdb backend 'smbpasswd'
Attempting to register passdb backend tdbsam
Successfully added passdb backend 'tdbsam'
Attempting to register passdb backend wbc_sam
Successfully added passdb backend 'wbc_sam'
Attempting to find a passdb backend to match tdbsam (tdbsam)
Found pdb backend tdbsam
pdb backend tdbsam has a valid init
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:                                                        
tdbsam_open: successfully opened /var/lib/samba/private/passdb.tdb              
pdb_set_username: setting username gary, was                                    
pdb_set_domain: setting domain ZEPPO, was                                       
pdb_set_nt_username: setting nt username , was                                  
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name Gary Stainburn, was                        
Home server: zeppo                                                              
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
Substituting charset 'UTF-8' for LOCALE                                         
pdb_set_homedir: setting home dir \\zeppo\gary, was                             
pdb_set_dir_drive: setting dir drive , was NULL
pdb_set_logon_script: setting logon script , was 
Home server: zeppo
pdb_set_profile_path: setting profile path \\zeppo\gary\profile, was 
pdb_set_workstations: setting workstations , was 
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_user_sid: setting user sid 
        setting user sid S-1-5-21-3770593063-3489186963-600075641-1000 from 
rid 1000
account_policy_get: name: maximum password age, val: -1
Finding user gary
Trying _Get_Pwnam(), username as lowercase is gary
Get_Pwnam_internals did find user [gary]!
Opening cache file at /var/lib/samba/gencache.tdb
Opening cache file at /var/lib/samba/gencache_notrans.tdb
Cache entry with key = IDMAP/GID2SID/500 couldn't be found 
gid_to_sid: winbind failed to find a sid for gid 500
LEGACY: gid 500 -> sid S-1-22-2-500
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_username: setting username gary, was 
pdb_set_domain: setting domain ZEPPO, was 
pdb_set_nt_username: setting nt username , was 
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name Gary Stainburn, was 
Home server: zeppo
pdb_set_homedir: setting home dir \\zeppo\gary, was 
pdb_set_dir_drive: setting dir drive , was NULL
pdb_set_logon_script: setting logon script , was 
Home server: zeppo
pdb_set_profile_path: setting profile path \\zeppo\gary\profile, was 
pdb_set_workstations: setting workstations , was 
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_user_sid: setting user sid 
        setting user sid S-1-5-21-3770593063-3489186963-600075641-1000 from 
rid 1000
Cache entry with key = 
IDMAP/SID2GID/S-1-5-21-3770593063-3489186963-600075641-513 couldn't be found 
winbind failed to find a gid for sid 
lookup_global_sam_rid: looking up RID 513.
pdb_getsampwrid (TDB): error looking up RID 513 by key RID_00000201.
Can't find a unix id for an unmapped group
LEGACY: mapping failed for sid S-1-5-21-3770593063-3489186963-600075641-513
pdb_set_group_sid: setting group sid 
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_username: setting username gary, was 
pdb_set_domain: setting domain ZEPPO, was 
pdb_set_nt_username: setting nt username , was 
pdb_set_full_name: setting full name Gary Stainburn, was 
Home server: zeppo
pdb_set_homedir: setting home dir \\zeppo\gary, was 
pdb_set_dir_drive: setting dir drive , was NULL
pdb_set_logon_script: setting logon script , was 
Home server: zeppo
pdb_set_profile_path: setting profile path \\zeppo\gary\profile, was 
pdb_set_workstations: setting workstations , was 
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
pdb_set_user_sid: setting user sid 
        setting user sid S-1-5-21-3770593063-3489186963-600075641-1000 from 
rid 1000
account_policy_get: name: maximum password age, val: -1
account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0
Storing account gary with RID 1000
Locking key 555345525F6761727900
Allocated locked data 0x0x19a11b0
Unlocking key 555345525F6761727900
tdb_update_sam: Updating key for RID 1000
Locking key 5249445F303030303033
Allocated locked data 0x0x19a05f8
Unlocking key 5249445F303030303033
[root@zeppo samba]# 

[root@zeppo samba]# testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
rlimit_max: increasing rlimit_max (1024) to minimum Windows limit (16384)
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Loaded services file OK.
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions

        workgroup = MOTORPARK
        server string = RMG showroom file server
        security = SHARE
        log file = /var/log/samba/log.%m
        max log size = 50
        wins server =
        cups options = raw

        comment = Home Directories
        valid users = %S
        read only = No
        browseable = No

        comment = All Printers
        path = /var/spool/samba
        printable = Yes
        browseable = No

Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages
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