But what if we didn't need the option in the first place?

(i.e. the workaround code?)...

Wouldn't it make for a cleaner implementation to not add a hack on top of a hack?

I'm a perfectionist -- just just a "it'll do" type...that's why I tend to persist.

Though if you aren't interested, you aren't interested...

What name did you choose anyway?

I'm not sure why I should declare victory... It's not about a battle...it's about doing the
best one can -- but there is no  triumph ... of  a over b. or such..

I don't find such to ever be a valuable attitude (though many people engage in
'win/lose' stuff).

I prefer not to.

I  think the above reasons are partly why I get misinterpreted at times...
(that and the seemingly opposite 'lack of attention to detail -- a case of
overfocusing on one part of a problem (or the whole problem) and therefore
missing pieces...it happens. I don't feel like I won because you didn't feel
good about adding the option even though you got to make it a silly name.

I don't think you felt good about adding the option, but assuaged yourself with naming it something belligerent to users rather than descriptively and neutrally, (something I don't think appropriate in a user interface of the sort samba presents),
which really -- did that make you feel 'ok' with adding the option?

If not, I didn't win.  I feel that I failed to communicate with you.

But that's me and my warped definitions...

Jeremy Allison wrote:
On Wed, Sep 14, 2011 at 03:37:11PM -0700, Linda Walsh wrote:
 I  would like to put forth a possible alternative for consideration
(perhaps a bit late in the game), though perhaps a goal for a release in
the near future.  Better to say someting that  be accused later of saying

Linda, you're flogging a dead horse. The code you wanted is in, even
though it has a name you don't like. Declare victory and move on.


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