From: Bruno Martins <>
Date: Sun, 25 Sep 2011 13:23:07 +0000

> Good evening guys,
> I'm being unable to set a certain Samba share's permissions through
> Windows properties dialogue box, using the Security tab.

You really mean **share**'s permission or files's permission in the

> I'm trying to perform this action as a member of "Domain Users"
> Active Directory group.

If former, simply to grant full control to "Domain Users" by
Administartor from Windows or using sharesec command.

If latter, "dos filemode = yes" may help you.

Other comments...

> [dropbox]
>         inherit owner = Yes
>         inherit permissions = Yes
>         map acl inherit = Yes
>         writable = Yes
>         path = /home/joe/Dropbox
>         acl group control = Yes
>         comment = Partilha das Galileus
>         inherit acls = Yes
>         write list = "@domain users"
>         browseable = Yes

"inherit permissions" takes precedence over "inherit acls" so 
in your conf, "inherit acls" is ignored.

I think that "map acl inherit" is too buggy to use in production.

TAKAHASHI Motonobu <>
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